There are no prerequisites for joining the ESNZ Coaching programme, however, we do require students to be at least 18 years of age. If you are currently coaching equestrian, you can enter at a higher level via Recognition of Current Competency (RCC) with skills assessment.
Programme learning
The ESNZ Coaching programme is designed to facilitate a “blended learning approach”, whereby activities and practical tasks can be completed face-to-face or a distance learning environment. Study in your own time, at your own pace, but we do prefer each level completed within two years (as occasionally work content may be updated). ESNZ Coaching workbooks vary in price from $40 to $400 depending on the level of study. ESNZ Coach Educators complete the marking of your work at approximately $20 per module of theory and $25 per half hour of practical assessment.
You first need to set up an account on HorseReg, the online database provided to ESNZ by Interpodia. Then go to the HorseReg Shop and select your Coaching workbook and go to the check out. If you are a current member of ESNZ and already have a HorseReg account, then log in to HorseReg and go straight to the Shop, select your Coaching workbook, and go to the check out.
Currently it’s free to list yourself on the ESNZ Coach database and also means you are covered for public liability insurance under ESNZ’s insurance policy. You can also join our ESNZ Coaching community Facebook page for regular updates and activities.
Once a Coach has obtained any of the ESNZ Coaching levels, they may then choose to become an ESNZ registered Coach. For this they are also required to have a current first aid certificate, ongoing development and a NZ Police check every four years (through ESNZ).