Compensating Aids

Compensating Aids are “helpful additions’ to your gear or body to assist you to ride.

Compensating Aids

Compensating aids are “helpful additions” to your gear or body to assist you to ride.  The Classifier will name those aids that you are allowed to use and these will be stated on your “Para Card” and stored on the National Database.  If they are not stated on your card then YOU CAN NOT USE THEM.

Compensating aids do not in anyway enhance the skill of the rider nor influence the horse. They purely assist the Para Rider, to ride.

Scroll down to find lists of NZ Standard Aids and FEI Standard Aids and the “Compensating Aids Library”  Images and descriptions of the aids most commonly used in NZ.

NZ List of Aids

NZ Standard Compensating Aids are aids or equipment, other than approved saddlery or equipment as outlined in the ESNZ Para Sport Rules.  These may be used by the athletes across all functional profiles and do not need to be noted on your card.

FEI List of Aids

In FEI Sanctioned events FEI Standard Compensating Aids are aids or equipment, other than approved saddlery or equipment as outlined in the FEI Dressage Rules, which may be used by the athletes across all functional profiles and is not required to be listed on the FEI MasterList.

The Compensating Aids Library

SWHO.  Loop Reins.  Longden Grip, Bands on Stirrups…….the list goes on and on. 

But what does it all mean?  What are they for?  How do I use them?  Where do I buy them from?

Therefore we have put together this helpful little library of NZ’s most commonly used Compensating Aids to assist you.