Clean Sport

Please familiarise yourselves with the content of this website page and visit it regularly for updates.

How Testing Works

For the purpose of Clean Sport, ESNZ has chosen to adopt the FEI Regulations and Prohibited Substances Databases.  We recommend that you familiarise yourself with these as follows, for ALL ESNZ competition.

Clean Sport Test Results

Clean Sport Testings is then carried out across all disciplines and all levels of competition throughout the country.

Riders who have horses tested are notified by ESNZ of their result and the results are also published below. 

FEI Clean Sport results are regularly updated on their website and can be found here


FEI Prohibited Substances Database

The FEI publishes an ‘Equine Prohibited Substances List’ (EPSL). This enables Persons Responsible (PRs) to ensure that they are not treating or feeding horses with substances that are prohibited for use during competition and substances that are not permitted for use in the horse at any time.

Prohibited Substances are categorised as follows:

  • ‘Banned Substances’ are substances that are deemeed by the FEI to have no legitimate use in the competition horse and/or have a high potential for abuse. They are not permitted for use in the competition horse at any time.
  • ‘Controlled Medication’ are substances that are deemed by the FEI to have therapeutic value and/or be commonly used in equine medicine. Controlled Medication have the potential to affect performance and/or be a welfare risk to the horse.
    General Advice

Athletes and their support teams are stongly encouraged to work closely with their veterinarians when administering substances to horses.

The FEI has published a warning regarding the use of supplements (including herbal supplements) and products of which the ingredients are unknown. Any substances which affects the performance of a horse in a calming (tranquillising) or an energising (stimulant) manner and which contain a Prohibited Substance are forbidden. Athletes should also be aware that the use of a calming product during competition may also have important safety consequences.

Sport Integrity Commission – Anti-Doping

Anti-Doping information

Equestrian Sports New Zealand is committed to the advancement of clean sport that rejects cheating through the use of performance enhancing drugs and methods.

Equestrian Sports New Zealand (ESNZ) is in partnership with the Sport Integrity Commission to:

Promote a culture of clean sport
Deliver anti-doping education
Organise and implement testing programmes
Report doping and suspicious activity
Support athletes to compete drug free

For full information about anti-doping, visit

The Prohibited List

The Prohibited List is published by the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) every year and details all substances and methods which are prohibited or banned in sport. A substance or method may be included on the list if it meets any two of the following criteria:

  • It has the potential to enhance sporting performance
  • It presents an actual or potential health risk to the athlete
  • It violates the spirit of sport

The Sport Integrity Commission promotes the updated Prohibited List to New Zealand national sports organisations and athletes each year. 

The Prohibited Substance List

The anti-doping rules

All members of ESNZ are required to abide by New Zealand’s Sports Anti-Doping Rules. These rules reflect the World Anti-Doping Agency’s (WADA) World Anti-Doping Code.

Visit this page to find out more about the ESNZ Recreational Drug and Alcohol Policy

The following articles and updates will provide useful information in regards to Clean Sport – for both Equine and human athletes


tips and facts about anti-doping…

  • Testing of horses and riders can take place, at both national and international competitions
  • The rider is regarded as the “responsible person”, for their horse or pony, with the exception of children aged under 18, although other members of the support team — such as the horse’s owner and/or trainer — may also be held liable
  • Use different coloured feed bowls to avoid the wrong feeds being given to the wrong horse
  • Use different mixing spoons when controlled medication is administered to avoid contamination
  • Ensure tea and coffee-making facilities are not in the feed room
  • Be aware when drinking soft drinks around your horse, or eating snacks such as biscuits or chocolate bars as caffeine is a common positive test result
  • Speak to your vet about withdrawal and detection times for controlled medications
  • Familiarise yourself with the World Anti-Doping Agency’s list of prohibited substances for humans and make sure you discuss any potential issues or therapeutic use exemptions with your doctor and ESNZ’s Clean Sport Administrator
  • Record batch numbers and feeds
  • Do not keep first aid and grooming kits in the feed room