About Para Equestrian

Para Equestrian gives people with mild to severe disabilities the opportunity to train and to compete at dressage competition on equal terms.

Para Equestrian NZ

About Para Equestrian

Para Equestrian gives people with mild to severe disabilities the opportunity to train and to compete at dressage competition on equal terms. You will compete at a certain grade, based on your level of impairment, or against able-bodied riders if you choose.


Jo Colin  

General Manager – Community and Acting Sport Manager Para Equestrian
Mobile 021 229 9358    Email: Jo Colin


Para Equestrian became the fifth discipline within Equestrian Sports New Zealand in September 2009. Since then the number of Para riders and competitions available to them has steadily increased throughout New Zealand. Many area Dressage Groups around NZ include Para classes in their schedules. Island Championships and National Championships are held as well as a Para Equestrian section in the prestigious Horse of the Year Show.


How to Take Part

In order to take part in Para Equestrian Dressage, athletes need to first be classified according to their functional ability. After assessment they are issued with a profile and grade to ensure they are competing against those with similar disabilities. Once classified athletes will be issued with an ID card listing the Compensating Aids assigned to them. These aids are used by riders to compensate for the physical or sensory limitations resulting from their impairment. These may include the use of voice, additional whip, rein and saddle adaptations and rubber bands to hold their feet in the stirrups.

In New Zealand classification is carried out by National and International Classifier. Riders who wish to take part in International Competitions must be classified by two internationally accredited classifiers one of whom must be from a different nation to the athlete.

What Are Compensating Aids?

How do you fit them? What do they look like? How do you use them? Where do I get them from? Check out our compensating aids guide for all you need to know about what they are and how to use them.