Frequently asked questions about the sport of Endurance.
Frequently Asked Questions - Endurance
What type of membership do I need for Endurance and CTR?
For Intro Endurance and Novice CTR you will need an Introductory membership. You can also enter these rides on a casual day membership.
What registration does my horse need?
For Intro Endurance and Novice CTR your horse doesn’t need to be registered.
For any other Endurance and CTR levels you will need your horse to have the compulsory ESNZ Equine Registration although there are some exceptions. For Junior/Intermediate/Open CTR and Novice 40-79 km Endurance there is the option of a Flexifee for $10 and use a day vet card for your horse instead of a logbook.
Your annual discipline start depends on which level you’re doing. For CTR and Endurance Novice (up to 79km) and Intermediate, the annual discipline start is $30. For Novice and Open Endurance (80km and longer) the annual discipline start is $60.
I’ve completed a ride on a day vet card and now want to register my horse, how can I claim the ride?
You need to let us know you have sent a copy of your Equine Registration form at the same time as applying to ESNZ and advise what ride you want to claim.