ESNZ 2022 Annual General Assembly Wrap-up
ESNZ held its Annual General Assembly on Thursday 29th September 2022 at the James Cook Hotel Grand Chancellor, Wellington and online via zoom. Follows are the key outcomes from the day:
Election of Officers 2022-2023
Patron – Jennifer Millar, CNZM
President – Sue Hobson
Vice-President – Lynda Clark
Ratification of ESNZ Board Members 2022-2023
Sue Hobson – President
Lynda Clark – Vice-President
Sarah Hazelwood – Dressage
Sue Reid – Endurance
Marg Evans – Eventing
Penny Tapley – Jumping
Hannah Walton – Appointed Member
Ana Sever – Appointed Member
One further Board member to be appointed.
National Equestrian Centre, Taupo, Committee 2022-2023
Wallie Niederer – Convenor
Jon Williamson – Dressage
Kate Honour – Endurance
Jenny Draper – Eventing
Paul Croucher – Jumping
Mark King – Co-opted and Treasurer
Cathy Vennell – Co-opted
Peter & Debbie Barke – Co-opted
Colin and Toni McIntosh – Co-opted
National Equestrian Centre, Christchurch, Committee 2022-2023
Don Robertson – Convenor
Glenda Jones – Dressage
Sue Billingheimer – Endurance
Nick Pyke – Eventing
Gus Taylor – Jumping
Andrew Bruce – Appointed and Treasurer
Tony Roberts – Eventing Canterbury
Nathan Brown – Jumping Canterbury
Cherie Pearson – Dressage Canterbury
Chris Hodson Scholarship
The Chris Hodson Scholarship was established in 2015 in recognition of Chris Hodson’s outstanding service to ESNZ as an ESNZ Board Member from 1998 to 2015 and President from 2011 to 2015.
The Scholarship was for $10,000 ($2,000 for the next five years) to be awarded to an aspiring New Zealand FEI Official. The first scholarship was awarded in 2016. Unfortunately, due to Covid, the scholarship was not awarded in 2020 or 2021. So, it is exciting that we are able to award the last scholarship today.
The recipient of the 2022 Chris Hodson Scholarship is Heidi Bulfin, who will be traveling to Malaysia later next year to upgrade from a level 2 FEI Steward to a level 3 FEI Steward.
Congratulations to Heidi.
Honorary Life Membership Awards
Honorary Life Membership is granted in recognition and appreciation of outstanding service by a person for the benefit of ESNZ and/or equestrian sport in New Zealand.
Honorary Life Membership was bestowed to the following recipients:
- Judy Haskell
- Ray Egarr
- Audrey Cameron
- Tinks Pottinger
- Gerrit Beker
L-R – Margaret Egarr (accepting award on behalf of Ray Egarr), ENSZ President Sue Hobson, Judy Haskell, Audrey Cameron.
You can read more about their contributions to the Sport and their personal achievements and highlights below.
Judy Haskell
Judy started out as an official when Bruce Haskell, her son, left NZ more than 20 years ago. She was a Secondary School teacher by day and an Eventing Official in the weekends. She would often visit a venue the week prior to do all the measuring etc as she did not take time off from School in the days leading up to an event. She was meticulous in her measuring and spent many hours talking to riders and parents about how they could improve. She was everyone’s supporter and a mentor to many up-and-coming officials. Judy took Wendy Lansdown, our current Chair of the Technical Advisory Group for Evenitng, under her wing as she started her journey as an Eventing official explaining how to tactfully deal with situations, what to be looking for, when to put your foot down and when to use common sense.
Judy served on the Technical Committee as it was called in an education capacity. She developed questions for trainee officials and the previous education system. Judy has been collating all the fall reports since this was seen as a useful information set – approximately 10 years ago.
She has been a member of Wellington Eventing for many years, often the only one at the grounds, hammer in hand in her trusty red ute, fixing fences, weed eating, putting tyres on gates and generally doing all the little jobs that get missed by those less observant!! Judy has a global understanding of Eventing through her son Bruce and is always keen to see NZ Eventing improving. She has attended seminars as a facilitator and has given much time freely to Pony Clubs in the Wellington area – often advising on courses and supporting new committees with information and encouragement.
Ray Egarr
Ray has been a Jumping FEI L3 steward, Jumping Judge Nat L3 and Course Director for many years for Officials Technical Seminars. Chief Steward at many FEI shows. Long standing member and contributor to Jumping Technical Committee and Taranaki Equestrian Jumping Committee. Provides assistance to Jumping Team each year with formulating new rule book and its changes. A mentor for new coming committee members in Taranaki and this is currently one of our strongest area groups.
Ray is a very long-standing member of ESNZ and has been involved in stewarding at FEI level since 2011.
Significant achievements/highlights during Ray’s time in the sport include:
- International Technical Officer at London Olympics 2012
- The FEI has Ray listed as performing 55 FEI Stewarding assignments from 2012- 2022, where he has travelled widely throughout the North Island supporting the delivery of the FEI World Cup classes.
Ray’s knowledge, and his ability and willingness to share this has been one of the cornerstones of ESNZ Jumping for a long time.
Audrey Cameron
Audrey has been a Jumping FEI L3 judge and POGJ on many occasions. Jumping FEI Steward. Course Director for many years for Officials Technical Seminars. One of the small sub-committees that edited Jumping rules each year. A mentor for new officials and always very readily available with a smile and kind but clear words for officials, volunteers and riders.
Audrey is a very long-standing member of ESNZ and has been involved in judging at FEI level since 2009.
Significant achievements/highlights during Audrey’s time in the sport include:
- Awarded Pilmer Plate in 2020
- The FEI has Audrey listed as performing 53 FEI assignments from 2011- 2022; 20 of these as President of the Ground Jury including travelling to Australia.
Audrey has been especially valuable in her role as POGJ, and how she has approached many riders with her words of wisdom. She is held in utmost respect by all for her fairness and proactive approach in keeping Jumping fair and fun. At times riders challenge the situation and ruling on it and Audrey, despite her small size, has fronted many of these people with a fair and full explanation.
Audrey has been a “go to person” for advice on tricky rider/rules/officials situations for me as Jumping Manager over the past 4 years. Her experience, knowledge and wise approach to issues has been invaluable and will be missed.
Tinks Pottinger
Tinks was a Founding member of Eventing Wairarapa in 1990 – establishing the Tauherenikau Event which hosted the National One Day Championships for six years. During this time, Tinks and husband Andy were joint Event Co-ordinators of this national event and responsible for initiating and maintaining a significant sponsorship arrangement with Ford New Zealand worth $10s of thousands.
Active in the strategic move of Eventing Wairarapa from Tauherenikau up to Clareville A&P, Tinks significantly shaped the direction of the group since then.
Over those 30 years, Tinks held a number of roles within the Eventing Wairarapa Committee and has always been a significant contributor, ever ready to front at working bees, to contribute to event organisation, source sponsorship, to coach and mentor, and more recently acting as a TD.
Tinks stepped down from committee in 2021, but always makes herself available to help and is as active in her support as ever. She is now an honorary life member of Eventing Wairarapa.
Eventing in the Wairarapa has been a massive benefactor of Tinks’ energy, passion and hard-work ethic. She has been pivotal in cultivating facilities, XC development (she is currently spear-heading an Eventing Schooling facility at Solway), funding and eventing riders in the Wairarapa.
Gerrit Beker
Gerrit has been a Jumping FEI L3 Course Designer, Eventing FEI L3 (Jumping) Course Designer and Course Director for many years for Officials Technical Seminars. One of the small sub-committees that developed the Course Design Pathway and mentors course designers through this. A mentor for officials and staff, and always very readily available with advice and guidance. Gerrit is also a respected Technical Delegate Nationally and at FEI events.
Gerrit is a very long-standing member of ESNZ and has been involved at FEI Level Course Designing since 2003.
Significant achievements/highlights during Gerrit’s time in the sport include:
- Overall Jumping Personality as voted by Areas at AGM 2021
- The FEI has Gerrit listed as performing 27 FEI assignments from 2011- 2022; including travelling to Australia.
- Gerrit has been a FEI Course Director for FEI Course Designer In-Person Maintenance Courses.
Gerrit has mentored countless numbers of officials and riders over a very long time. The role of a course designer is physically demanding with long hours over several days on the ground; moving gear and preparation ahead of an event, as well as during the event. The time he has put into the sport to produce what has always been amazing FEI events (in the time I have known him) is huge. His thoroughness and experience has always shone through and the riders hugely respect his courses. Officials also have huge respect for him and find him very easy to work with as a mentor and team member. Being based in Tauranga, Gerrit has driven large numbers of KMs to fulfil his roles, often with wife Jenny to share the driving.
Congratulations to all of our new Honorary Life Members.
A special presentation and farewell was made to ESNZ Board Member, Don Robertson who after six years on the ESNZ board was standing down. During his time on the Board Don also served on the Audit, Finance and Risk Committee and Constitution Working Group. Don is not lost to the sport; he will continue in his role as Convenor of the National Equestrian Centre Christchurch.