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Dressage NZ Annual Awards - Nominations Close Friday 20th May

Lets us celebrate all the good people who do so much for our sport but we need your help please Dressage NZ Annual Awards 2022   - Nomination Form Nominations Close Friday 20th...

The Windsor Lad Trophy and $500 Training Grant - Who Is your Dressage Gamechanger

Who has made a difference in your Dressage life at a competition ? Karen & Peter Trotter sponsor this beautiful trophy and a $500 Training Grant for the Dressage NZ member (rider or official)...

Dressage NZ Bulletin February 2022 Issue 57 - Celebrating Team Work

Issue 57, February 2022 of the Dressage NZ Bulletin is out now! This issue is a celebration of teamwork, friendship, commitment and gratitude. It has been wonderful to see such a positive...

#GameChanger - Toni Taylor!

#GameChanger - Toni Taylor! Toni Taylor has been nominated as a #GameChanger by Phillipa O’Shea because Toni helps warm up horses, gets horses ready for others and for all the advice and...

#GameChangers – the South Island contingent to the National Three Day Event

#GameChangers – the South Island contingent to the National Three Day Event Kirsty Sharapoff, a #GameChanger in her own right, sent this wonderful message and like Kirsty says, this is an...

#GameChanger - Bonnie Farrant!

#GameChanger - Bonnie Farrant! Bonnie Farrant has been nominated as a #GameChanger by Jessica Todd for the kindness, encouragement and generosity she showed Jessica. It was my first time at...

#GameChanger - Neville and Adrienne Warsaw!

#GameChanger - Neville and Adrienne Warsaw! We received this nomination for Neville and Adrienne Warsaw as a #GameChangers from Kyla Dimmock and her daughter Lily Ellis and it’s easy to see...

#GameChangers - Solway College Students!

#GameChangers - Solway College Students There’s nothing we like more than a whole lot of fabulous #ESNZGameChangers! And here’s who they are …. Natasha Appleton-Dyer, Ella Bashford,...

#GameChanger - Tatum Fletcher!

#GameChanger - Tatum Fletcher! Rebecca Aplin sent us this lovely message about why she thinks Tatum Fletcher as a special #GameChanger. My nomination is Tatum Fletcher because she has followed...

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