High Performance

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Isobel Wessels Dressage Workshop - Christchurch

Isobel Wessels Dressage Workshop - 4th November 2024 - Dunstan Horsefeeds National Equestrian Centre, Christchurch Come along to a day of learning with Isobel Wessels who is fresh from judging at...

EOI Invited for Dressage Young Rider Camp Coaches

Dressage NZ (ESNZ) is please to invite applications for coach positions at Young Rider Camps in Taupo (NEC) 4 - 6 October  and Christchurch (Selwyn Equestrian Centre)  8-10  October - follow...

Helen Hughes-Keen Awarded Fissenden Trophy

Helen Hughes-Keen (Wellington) - 2024 Winner Fissenden Trophy for Outstanding Contribution to Dressage  Helen has contributed to the sport in many ways including: A competitor up to...

North Island to Host Seven Official Dressage Clinics

Official Judges Clinic Dates: Please find attached a flyer with the dates for the upcoming North Island Official Judges Clinics this winter, so please put in your diaries. Seven official...

SI Dressage Rider & Coach Development Camp Advance Notice & EOI Invited for Rider Coaches & Coach Camp Mentor

DNZ DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE:ADVANCE NOTICES COACH DEVELOPMENT CAMP  Friday 6 September (mid-afternoon) - Sunday 8 September.  - Selwyn Equestrian Centre, Christchurch.  "To provide...

Dressage NZ Board, Committee, Sub-Committees & Appointed Roles 2024

Dressage NZ Board, Committee, Sub-Committee & Other Vacancies 2024  Judges Officer - Board Nominations are open for this elected position. (3 year term with the possibility of a further...

Official South Island Judges Clinics

Official South Island Judges clinics for ongoing accreditation, refreshing knowledge, new learnings and a chance to join and interact with a dedicated group keeping our sport current - an...

Para Sport Collective Intake 2

Following on from the success of the Para Sport Collective in 2023, Paralympic NZ, supported by ACC have given us the opportunity to put forward one rider and one coach for the next intake. A...

Dressage Coaches & Coach Educators

The Dressage Development Committee is seeking expressions of interest for a Coach Educator and two coaches for the Adult Development Camp and Coach Development Camp to be held in concurrently at...

Isobel Wessels Dressage Workshops - January 2024

Spend a day with Isobel Wessels, a renowned international 5* judge, grand prix competitor and NZ high performance coach. Isobel will be coaching some of the top NZ dressage combinations...

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