As we are in a very fluid situation ESNZ continues to monitor and respond to changes to COVID levels and guidelines.  ESNZ works closely with Sport NZ who publish guidelines to all National Sports Organisations. You can view our updates here:

Unfortunately, the circumstances with government restrictions for COVID-19 are out of our control.  We are encouraging organising committees that can work within the COVID-19 guidelines to run their shows, and for now this may mean restrictions that competitors will need to cooperate with.  Sponsors are a key component of our sport and where they wish to continue, we need to work with them also.

Currently areas outside of Auckland are at COVID level 2 with a gathering restriction of 100.  If shows can manage more than one gathering of 100 safely and adhering to government guidelines, then we fully support this.  In the case of Rotorua Jumping Show, they are running two events of 100, keeping them separate from each other.  Series classes are given a priority. Other shows are implementing a revolving door process.  Organisers need to be creative to hold events and we hope riders will appreciate the work put in to run under these difficult conditions.

The National Series are not evenly spread around each area nor North/South Island and the nature of our sport is weather dependant for ground conditions therefore we often have cancellations during the season where riders would miss out on those series points.  There are over 70 shows running series classes through the season, and many other factors that affect series competitors such as weather conditions, rained out shows, horses unfit to compete – to name a few.

ESNZ and the Jumping Board are monitoring this fluid situation closely and will respond as required.


ESNZ Jumping Team
4 September 2020