ESNZ has received two nominations for the position of ESNZ President for the 2020-2021 season.
The ESNZ Constitution states that any contested election for the presidency will be conducted via a ballot of all ESNZ members who are eligible to vote.
Nominations for President have been received for:
- Vicki Glynn (nominated by Chris Hodson, seconded by Sue Reid)
- Sue Hobson (nominated by Richard Sunderland, seconded by Scott McKenna)
Each candidate has prepared a brief statement about themselves, it is important that you read these before casting your vote.
The following members are eligible to vote:
- Honorary Life Members aged 18 or over
- Life Members aged 18 or over
- Full Members aged 18 or over
- Full Members – Non-Competing aged 18 and over
- Affiliated organisations and member organisations subject to whether voting rights are conferred or not in the agreement between the organisation and ESNZ.
Elections and voting will open on the 4th September 2020. We are in the process of investigating third party providers to administer the voting process and will advise in due course.
The election will close (both online and for receipt of ballot papers) at 5pm on Monday 28th September 2020.
The result will be announced at the ESNZ Annual General Assembly on Tuesday 29th September in Wellington.
For your information, only one nomination was received for the position of ESNZ Vice-President for 2020-2021 for Lynda Clark (nominated by Sue Billigheimer, seconded by Don Robertson). The appointment of Vice-President will be made by voting delegates at the ESNZ AGA.
For further information on the ESNZ AGA CLICK HERE.