The team is out for tonight’s CSIO3* Nations’ Cup in Prague and it’s a line-up who have plenty to live up to. Tom Tarver, Richard Gardner, Bruce Goodin and Daniel Meech are no strangers to success in Nations’ Cup and they’ll all be super keen to claim another.

Tom is in on Popeye, Bruce and Richard are on their WEG mounts Backatorps Danny V and Calisto 5, while Daniel has Cinca 3.

The Nations’ Cup will now start at 2.45pm (Prague time, 12.45am Saturday NZ time) and can be watched via the live stream. There are 12 other teams alongside New Zealand in the class, with entries from Austria, Italy, Japan, Belgium, Argentina, Ireland, The Netherlands, Germany, Egypt, Poland, Slovakia, and of course hosts Czech Republic.

All of the Kiwis jumped today with just two in the prize money. Daniel and Bruce were bot

h clear in the CSIO3* 1.40m to finish 15th and 22nd respectively. The 92-strong class was won by Pius Schwizer (SUI) aboard Grand Cooper in 60.52 seconds with Daniel and Faith 13 stopping the clock at 72.49 and Tom aboard Popeye crossing the flags in 75.06.

Bruce, Daniel, Richard and Lily Tootill all started in the CSIO3* 1.45m. Richard with Callisto 5, Lily with Ulysses NZPH and Bruce with Backatorps Danny V all had one rail down, finishing mid field.


CLICK HERE to check out the ESNZ Instagram page for more updates from Lily Tootill

Popeye – owned by Tom Tarver and Lucia Voss
Cinca 3 – owned by Johnson Horses GmbH and Daniel Meech
Calisto 5 – owned by Gestut Jennissen, Gut Nechen Agrar GmbH and Richard Gardner
Backatorps Danny V – owned by Backatorp Ryder AB, and Bruce and Ulrika Goodin

By Diana Dobson – HP Media Liaison