
Useful information and resources for event organisers and secretaries 

Event Organiser’s Pack

A helpful resource for the event secretary and all key members of an Organising Committee 

Practice Days/Express Eventing

Guidelines and template forms for running Practice Days and Express Eventing competitions.

  • Pre Event Resources/Templates
  • Post Event Resources/Templates
  • Miscellaneous Resources
  • FEI Event Information

Event Report (Technical Delegate to complete)

Medical Summary Report (Medical officer to complete – TD to submit)

TD Eventing Fence Description Form (TD/CD to complete – TD to submit)

Steward’s Report (Chief Steward to complete)

XC Minimum Standards Form

Fall Report Form

Calendar and Fees

ESNZ Eventing is required to load the FEI Event Calendar dates, for the next calendar year, into the FEI calendar by 1 October.

Your OC will be contacted by ESNZ Eventing requesting your FEI calendar date, please respond as promptly as possible.

Refer FEI General Regulations – Article 112 -Official Calendar.


Draft Schedules for ALL FEI Events must be submitted to the FEI at the latest ten (10) weeks prior to the Event for 4* events, at least eight (8) weeks prior to the Event for 3* and below.

Draft schedules are to be completed via the FEI schedules platform

Each OC has been allocated a Schedule Administrator – this is the event secretary that usually completes the schedule.

When ready the draft schedule is to be submitted for review by the NF (electronically) and will then be submitted to the FEI for sign off. Any queries or concerns will be dealt with via email, phone or through the schedule platform. 

If you have any questions regarding your FEI schedule please contact [email protected] 

Prize Money
505.3.1 Distribution

The amount of prize-money must be distributed as per the breakdown shown for each Competition in the schedule.

Organising Committees must state the details of the distribution of prizemoney in the Event schedule. Organising Committees may include two prizemoney distribution options in the schedule to enable the amount and number of prizes to be adjusted to the definite number of starters.

The minimum number of prizes offered for each Competition must be allocated on the basis of one prize for every commenced four Athletes (Dressage starters), with a minimum of five prizes.

If less than five Athletes complete the Competition, the minimum number of prizes to be distributed shall be amended to equal the number of Athletes completing.

The value of the first prize for individuals, either in cash or in kind easily convertible into cash, may never exceed one third of the total value of the prize money and prizes convertible into cash offered for the Competition.


Organisers are reminded of the FEI requirements for submission of results – please refer to the rule article below.

Article 109.6 – FEI General Regulations

OCs of International Events must inform the FEI and NFs whose teams or individuals have taken part, of the results and prize money paid to each placed Athlete and team, within two (2) days following the Event for all Disciplines managed by an online entry system and five (5) days for all other Disciplines, unless otherwise specified for qualification and ranking reasons as communicated by the FEI. Any result must be provided to the FEI in a format specified by the FEI in the approved schedule. In addition, upon FEI’s request any live data feed must be provided to the FEI free of charge. Failure from OCs of International Events to provide the FEI with the appropriate result(s) and/or live data feed and/or prize money information by the aforesaid deadline and/or in the aforesaid format shall entail a warning for the first violation and thereafter a fine of CHF 1,000.- per violation.

Organisers using the Equestrian Entries Software can produce results in the format required by the FEI through the following steps;

  1. Click on – Post Event Tasks
  2. Click on – Export Results for FEI
  3. Select Class – Return with Selection
  4. Name File, Save, Email to [email protected]

Please ensure that prize money has been allocated as per your FEI Schedule and is loaded into the results spreadsheet – column R ‘amount’, column S ‘currency’ (NZD).


Fees are set annually by the FEI. 

ESNZ Eventing will cover the cost of the FEI Calendar Fee for every approved FEI event in New Zealand (500CHF)

ESNZ Eventing will on charge to the Organiser;

  1. The Organising Dues (500CHF) – this will be invoiced upon receipt of the invoice from the FEI
  2. The Technical Delegate Contribution (1500 CHF) – this will be invoiced upon receipt of the invoice from the FEI. The Technical Delegate contribution is paid directly to the TD by the FEI for all events at 4* Level or above.