Dressage NZ advises the resignation of Alicia Zeludko as NI Riders Rep, thus leaving a vacancy on the National Dressage Committee
Riders who attended the meeting will have the opportunity to nominate and vote for a new NI Rider Rep. In the event of more than one nomination, a voting process will be advised to riders who attended the 2019 meeting
Other eligible riders may make nominations, but only riders who attended the meeting are eligible to vote under the terms of the current Dressage By-Law 17 (please note this clause is under review but no change can be made until after Conference 2019)
Excerpt from By- Law
- North and South Island Riders’ Representatives will be elected annually by riders attending the
Riders’ Meetings held at the North and South Island Championships;
- The two Riders’ Representatives will hold a position on the Committee.
- The Riders Representative will organise and Chair the Riders’ Meeting at their respective Island Championships.
- Any rider over 18 years who is a current financial full member of ESNZ may speak at the Riders’ meetings.
- A parent or guardian may speak on behalf of a current financial full member of ESNZ under 18 years subject to the parent or guardian being a Full or Community Member of ESNZ.
The Role
- The Riders Representatives are voting members of the national committee
- Travel and accommodation expenses are paid to the April Planning Meeting & Annual Conference by Dressage NZ
- Riders Representatives have a role to represent riders at these meetings and liaise and be available for riders to discuss matters with at events and during the year.
- To organise and chair the Annual riders meetings at the ICH
- To prepare annual reports for each respective ICH, Planning Meeting & Conference