The inaugural New Zealand HorsePower Function at the Puhinui International Three Day Event will go down as a huge success.
Hosted by Tinks Pottinger and Pip McCarroll, the gathering attracted around 100 owners, riders and sponsors . . . and the best thing was the feedback.
“People were really grateful they were being acknowledged,” says Pottinger. “It was an opportunity to all sit together and enjoy each other’s company. It was a lovely opportunity to thank all who contribute.”
The celebration was held at the end of the Honda New Zealand CCI3* and during the Horse & Pony CNC105.
“We were just thrilled by it all,” said Pottinger. “We’re very grateful to the Suttons who organised Puhinui and for the use of the VIP marquee.”
Already she and McCarroll are planning another gathering and as soon as it is sorted, they will be releasing the date. “We want to recognise the contribution these people all make to our sport.”
By Diana Dobson – HP Media Liaison
Photos by Libby Law/ESNZ