DATE: 3rd – 5th October 2023 (Arrive afternoon of 3rd, ride 4th & 5th)
VENUE: North Island Fiber Fresh National Equestrian Centre, 114 Rapids Road, Rotokawa, Taupo
COACHES: Coaches will be finalised nearer the time and notified upon confirmation.
CRITERIA: Limited spaces for both disciplines. Open to riders up to 21 years of age. All riders and their horses MUST be current ESNZ members to attend this camp. Riders will be selected on their previous years ESNZ RIDER results and CV information.
Show Hunter horses/ponies must have points in the current or previous season with intentions to compete at HOY.
Show Jumping horses need to be competing at 120cm or above, Ponies 110cm or above. An extra equine may be brought, but must be esnz reg, and must be worked out of camp hours.
COST: The cost of the training camp is $200 per rider plus NEC costs. A deposit of $100 will be required to be paid within 3 days of acceptance to the training camp. The balance to be paid by 1st October 2023..
APPLICATION REQUIREMENTS: Please complete this entire form, writing a short rider biography as well as your top 5 rider achievements from the previous season. A parent or Guardian must be present and remain on-site for the full duration of the camp. This application is to be completed in full as both your application and acceptance to camp. No deposit is to be paid until you are formally notified of acceptance.
Click on this link to apply APPLY HERE