We are privileged to have three riders interested in being your Riders’ Rep for the next two years.
Come along and hear from our three applicants for Riders’ Rep. Online voting will open next week after the Riders’ AGM
The Jumping and Show Hunter Riders’ AGM is on Tuesday 7pm via Zoom. You can register at this link: Riders AGM
Click on the links below to read about our three applicants:
Alexa Dodson – https://www.nzequestrian.org.nz/wp-content/uploads/Alexa_Dodson_CV.pdf
Mikayla Herbert – https://www.nzequestrian.org.nz/wp-content/uploads/Mikayla-Herbert-CV.pdf
Sarah Forman – https://www.nzequestrian.org.nz/wp-content/uploads/Sarah-Forman-CV.pdf
We look forward to seeing you there!