As many of you will know, ESNZ Endurance has a board elected each season at the AGM. Being on the Board of Endurance is an incredible way to help pave the way forward for this incredible sport and to utilise your expertise in a productive manner.
From time to time, openings will happen during the season and a by-election is necessary. With the resignation of the Petria Haigh accepted by the current board, a by-election will now take place.
On behalf of the sport, the Board we would like to thank Petria for her time devoted to ESNZ Endurance, being part of the Board for the past 7 months.
The by-election details are available on the link below and nominations close March 8th at 5pm.
There are a number of qualities that are vital in a Board member, these are outlined below. If you have any questions at all, please feel free to contact one of the current board members who will happily help you.

Leadership skills, both in directing the organisation and to stakeholders.

All have the ability to think strategically and consider the wider perspective of issues. All Board members must be able to distinguish between governance and operational matters.

A commitment to excellence, both personally as Board members and for the organisation as a whole.

Acknowledgement that our major stakeholder is our membership. In particular Board
members are able to commit the time and effort required to carry out their role as a Board Member effectively. The Board should strive to add value to the organisation in terms of strategic direction and through its decision-making process.

All Board members must have the ability to consider and make decisions which benefit the organisation. They must demonstrate good judgment, common sense and independence of thought, allowing for a wide perspective on issues.

All Board members must be able to demonstrate honesty and integrity at all times.

The Board should have good interpersonal skills, including the ability to interact and communicate with people from a wide variety of backgrounds.

Must understand financial matters and all Board Members must understand implications of financial decisions on the organisation.