Is a campaign to provide more user-friendly help to anyone attending an event.  Armbands are intended to make “helpers” visible and therefore more approachable.  Anyone should be able to go to one of these people to ask a question about navigating the show and everything in it.  This is intended to make events a much more friendly and welcoming place – especially for inexperienced and new riders and their supporters.

If you are a volunteer or official in the sport and would like an ASK ME armband please contact the ESNZ office on 04 499 8994 or email [email protected]


This campaign is for riders who may need a little assistance from others in certain situations, and are happy to make that known to others.  Such as a person with a muscular weakness or maybe eyesight issue – anything that may see them in a compromising situation (usually in warmups) if other riders are not aware and giving them the space they need. 

The Leg up arm bands are also for newcomers or for anyone that finds the warm-up area intimidating or scary and just want other more experienced rider to be aware that they might need a little bit more space or time to do their warm-up and to be patient.

The warm-up area at a show can be intimidating for those with disabilities or newcomers, but if everyone knows and follows the rules, it benefits them and others warming up at the same time.

The Leg Up initiative is all about helping each other to have the best competition experience possible; win, lose or somewhere in between, everyone comes away feeling they did their best, supported each other and all our members (newcomers, experienced or somewhere in between) feel welcome, encouraged and most likely learned something new.

ESNZ has teamed up with a remarkable young lady called Abigail Pratt as our ambassador for our LEG UP campaign.  Checkout Abigail’s video to hear more about her story and how the LEG UP armband will help her. 

Any rider that would like a LEG UP armband please contact the ESNZ office on 04 499 8994 or email [email protected]