Our organising committees are doing all they can to ensure the ongoing delivery of our gatherings that are allowing you to compete.
We have held two multi discipline hui over the last two nights with committee members, Sport NZ, boards and staff to work through the challenges and provide an opportunity for information sharing.
The following are the key messages from these meetings.
- Competitions will continue to be run under the gatherings protocols. This is on the basis that the Organising Committee feel it is safe to do so.
- Gatherings with CVC can run with defined spaces of 100 people. There can be multiple defined spaces at a gathering. These gathering should be 2m apart and clearly defined.
- There should be no intermingling of the defined spaces. Many OCs spoke of the use of different colour wristbands as an easy way to recognise the defined space someone was from.
- If possible, each defined space should have its own toilet facilities. If this is not practical and sharing of these facilities is required, your Organising Committee will have a plan as to how to minimise any risk of intermingling. Intermingling is avoided by all people in a shared space staying 2m apart. Your organising committee will monitor this area and will provide guidance to you.
- Masks should be worn at all times within your defined space and in the competition area unless you are warming up or competing. Your mask can then be removed. You should keep it on you at all times. Support staff entering the competition space must wear masks and avoid intermingling at all times. Masks are to be worn by all people aged 12 and above.
- A rider may leave their defined space to assist with various tasks within the competition space as long as they are wearing a mask and there is no intermingling with people from other defined spaces. An example of this would be to pick up rails or be a runner. If 2m social distancing cannot be maintained, then don’t do it.
- Food and retail vendors can be on site at gatherings. However strict protocols and processes need to be in place to ensure no intermingling of each defined space. Where it is not practical for each defined space to have individual food/drink outlets the organising committee will deliver a plan that recognises the need for mask wearing, social distancing and no intermingling. Each vendor should have their own QR codes that people must scan. There should also be an agreement between the vendor and the organising committee as to how the space will operate. If the organising committee feels this cannot be done safely these options should be removed from the gathering
Overall, the key messages are:
- Defined spaces are of 100 people.
- No intermingling of defined spaces.
- Wear a mask at all times unless competing or warming up.
- Where spaces are shared follow the guidelines set out by the Organising Committee.
- Ensure good hygiene at the venue at all times.
- People choosing not to abide by the rules will be removed from the competition and asked to leave the venue.
We have updated our Covid-19 Protection Framework to take into account the above. You can find the updated document at the following link: