Jumping and the Northern Hawkes Bay (NHB) Area are thrilled to announce the NHB Area recipient of the ESNZ and NZPH Star Spotters Scholarship, Sophie Altham.
Sophie is 10 years old, and has been riding for 3 years. Sophie attends Flaxmere Pony Club and is working towards her C certificate. Sophie rides Sparkles, a 15 year old, 12.2 Welsh chestnut mare.
Sophie has been partnered with Sparkles for a year and says “Sparkles is amazing, I feel super safe on her and we make a great team”. Over the winter, Sophie and Sparkles have been out competing and they won their first rug and a heap of goodies for taking out the Cat A at the Heathcote Lodge Series.
This season Sophie and Sparkles are going to compete in Cat A Show Hunter and hope to qualify for Horse of the Year.
Each area also provides a mentor and Sophie will be mentored by local riders and Northern Hawkes Bay Committee members Melody Matheson and Ike Baker.
Both Sophie, her family and the NHB Area wish to express their thanks to NZPH and ESNZ and are extremely grateful for this opportunity.
ESNZ Jumping Team
18 August 2021