Kallista Field from Kallista Field Equestrian has been nominated as a #GameChanger for being polite, responsive and supportive for coming onboard as a class sponsor for Dressage Waikato’s Oro Equestrian North Island Dressage Championships in February 2021.
In these uncertain times, finding willing and keen sponsors has become more difficult, so when Dressage Waikato’s sponsorship coordinator Lisa Marcroft contacted Kallista she was delighted by her quick and polite positive response.
“I contacted Kallista via messenger asking her if she might be interested in receiving a copy of the sponsorship proposal,” said Lisa. “She quickly responded ‘yes please’, then she thanked me for sending it through and then she offered to sponsor a class with cash.”
It was Kallista’s politeness according to Lisa – “she might laugh about me using that description” – that despite hardly knowing her, stood out.
“And then without any need for chasing up, she delighted us by saying she would come on board and support the event – it made my day!”
Our sport is reliant on the generosity and support of our sponsors and when they respond quickly and positively like Kallista, it is truly a game changing act.
Thank you Lisa for sharing this story. Kallista is an example of what we mean when we talk about #GameChangers: people who are helpful, supportive and encouraging. So, a great big thank you and congratulations.
#GameChangers is about encouraging people to tell us about acts of kindness or helpfulness by ESNZ members that made a difference to someone’s day. So, please keep your eyes and ears open when you’re out and about and nominate someone you witness doing something kind, supportive, helpful for someone (or a horse) that demonstrates the sort of inclusive, supportive, safe and friendly culture we’re working towards with Change the Rein. We will make sure people are aware of what great people we have in our sport.
If you want to nominate an ESNZ #GameChanger, this is what you do:
- Please email to [email protected],nz the following information (#GameChangers in the subject line):
- Person nominating the #GameChanger – your name, contact details (email & phone number)
- Who is the ESNZ member being nominated as a #GameChanger (name, discipline, area group/club and role eg official, rider, volunteer, parent)
- Photo of the #GameChanger person (not necessarily in the act, so to speak)
- What was the #GameChanger behaviour witnessed and the outcome (this doesn’t need to be heroic – just a kind, considerate, helpful, supportive, inclusive, welcoming, friendly act)