Show Jumping New Zealand and the Nelson Area are thrilled to announce the Nelson Area recipient of the ESNZ and NZPH Star Spotters Scholarship, Maria O’Conner.
Maria is 12 years old, lives in Mahana in the Tasman district and belongs to the Motueka Pony Club. She has been riding for two and a half years and has recently found her new best friend forever- the gorgeous Moonspirit Treasure or Sugar as she is known at home. Sugar is a 143cm 12 year old Mare.
Maria and Sugar recently entered their first ODE – run by the Motueka and Nelson Bays Pony Clubs – where they competed in their first ever show jumping round together and went clear at 80cm.
Maria’s goal this season is to work hard to compete in show jumping rounds at 80-90 cm at this season’s A&P shows around the Top of the South and registered shows run by Nelson Show Jumping.
Maria’s focus is show jumping and her dream is to one day represent NZ in the show jumping ring! She knows this will take a lot of very hard work but is committed and willing to do all she can to improve her skills as a rider. Maria is VERY excited to be mentored by Peita Milne at Nelson Show Jumping and knows this scholarship will be of great benefit in kicking off her show jumping career!
Maria and Nelson Area are extremely grateful to ESNZ and NZPH for this opportunity.
ESNZ Jumping Team
28 September 2020