The South Island Show Jumping Committee is calling for applications from riders to participate in the Young Rider Team for the annual South Island- Victoria Jumping Competition.
General Information:
- This event is fully self funded including airfares, accommodation, meals, uniforms as well as a portion of the coach and manager
- There may be a fund raising event prior to the
- It will be a four rider team competition with a non travelling reserve
- The Juliet Scott Trophy will remain between the New Zealand and Victoria Team as per the agreed criteria as set up by the
- The competition will be conducted on borrowed horses Saddlery will also be provided.
- Riders to provide their own safety and riding Please see the criteria for selection.
If you are interested in applying for a place in this team, please send your CV and 2018/19 results to Sharon Frewer at [email protected] by Monday 26th August 2019.