Application Form
Applications close on 1st March
SI Young Riders are invited to apply to for the York Corporation InterIsland Challenge team on borrowed horses. Pony riders may apply but selections may be dependent on suitable loan horses/ponies being available.
Riders 18yrs at date of application and under must have parent / guardian consent to apply, and who also agree that rider will abide by all event and team conditions and instructions by team officials. Riders must be a minimum 14yrs at 1 January 2019 ad not older than 21yrs as at 31 Dec 2019
Applicants should ideally have experience riding/competing on a variety of mounts and ideally should be competing at Level 2 or above. All travel and accommodation costs, entry fees are the rider responsibility (these may be reduced subject to sponsorship being available or riders are able to secure personal sponsorships/fundraising)Dressage NZ will cover the cost of securing loan horses/stabling.