Equine Registration

Equine registration is made up of two parts. One part is an ESNZ registration fee with the money going to ESNZ. The second part of the registration is a Discipline start with this money going directly to the disciplines to help run and grow their respective sport.

Log into HorseReg to register or renew your equines and purchase discipline starts.

ESNZ Equine Registration

Full Equine Registration

A Fully ESNZ registered horse is eligible to:

  • Compete in all ESNZ competitions.
  • A record of all ESNZ competition results.
  • An online equine profile.

The ESNZ Full Equine Registration is very simply one fee which lasts for a year from the day the horse is registered. The Equine’s height (horse or pony) does not have any effect on this fee, unlike previously. This equine registration entitles you to a record of results, equine profile and allows access to compete at all national levels (dependent on discipline starts). Equines need to have a Full ESNZ registration (including discipline annual starts) to compete at Horse of the Year and title classes at National and Island Championships.

Casual Equine Registration

This is a pay as you go option rather than paying a yearly equine registration fee. This is paid at shows, with them passing the money on to ESNZ. All equines using this fee will not receive an equine record of results and this is only available at certain shows/levels.

Discipline Starts

In order to compete in ESNZ disciplines you will need one of two discipline start options.

Annual Start

An annual start (must have an ESNZ full registration) allows you to compete in as many classes/shows as you wish in the respective discipline you have registered for (e.g. CNC105 Eventing Annual Start). Some disciplines have multiple annual starts for different levels of competition.

Equines need to have a Full ESNZ registration (including discipline annual starts) to compete at Horse of the Year and title classes at National and Island Championships.

Flexi Start

This is a pay as you go option, which is paid at shows and passed on to the disciplines. This option is either per test, per day or per show (dependent on discipline). The Flexi Start can be used in conjunction with an ESNZ Full registration or an ESNZ causal registration, and can only be used a certain levels

Important Registration Information

Endurance/CTR Logbooks

Please note ESNZ no longer automatically issue identification books for new equines, with the exception of Endurance/CTR. These can be purchased from the ESNZ online shop or by contacting National Office, at a cost of $30.

Life Height Certificates

If the pony has been issued a Life Certificate this only needs to be sighted once. If you have purchased a pony with a Life Certificate of height and you are unsure whether we have seen it, please contact the office before sending your registration form in.

Height Certificates for Ponies

Height Certificates are required for ponies of any height (A pony stands at 148cm or below). Please provide a scan/photo the pony’s current Royal Agricultural Society height certificate with your pony registration renewal or new pony registration.

Imported Horses/Ponies

When registering an imported horse or pony for the first time in New Zealand please ensure you provide the horse’s country of birth and all records/proof of any previous overseas results history. This is to ensure we place your horse in the correct grades for it’s ability and age. Refer to the ESNZ General Regulations Article 139.10.

Stallion Tags

All registered Stallions must wear Stallion I.D. Tags at all times when at competitions. These can be ordered through our online shop or from National Office at the time of registration. Please refer to article 139.12 and article 147 of the ESNZ General Regulations for rules regarding stallions at competitions.


If you are wanting to Downgrade a Dressage horse you can download a Downgrading form from the below link.

Please note that the lowest grade that a horse/pony can be downgraded to is Level 2 unless the rider has never earned and Dressage grading points in the past in which case they can be downgraded to Level 1.


If you ride a Thoroughbred it may be eligible for our TiES (Thoroughbreds in Equestrian Sport) series.  It costs nothing more to register and once registered they are eligible every year they have ESNZ registration.