Technical seminars are open to all technical officials, riders, OCs, and other interested parties.
Download the Jumping Technical Seminar Papers here to prepare before your seminar.
Technical seminars are open to all technical officials, riders, OCs, and other interested parties. Our seminars are a great source of information and will include all Jumping rule and General regulation changes for the 2019-2020 season.
Technical officials must attend at least one seminar in a three-year period and be current financial members of ESNZ to stay listed on the ESNZ Jumping official’s lists.
All seminars start at 9:15am with tea & coffee, and will finish 3:30-4:00pm.
Lunch will be provided.
If you wish to attend one of our seminars, please RSVP for attendance and catering purposes by Sunday 21 July as per below: