NZ Standard List of Aids
NZ Standard Compensating Aids are aids or equipment, other than approved saddlery or equipment as outlined in the ESNZ Para Sport Rules. These may be used by the athletes across all functional profiles and do not need to be noted on your card.
- Voice (Grades I, II III Only)
- Sitting or Rising Trot
- Gloves – are optional
- Spurs – are optional. (Offset spurs are a non-standard compensating aid).
- Saddle – any type. (Any modification or adaptation to a saddle are considered nonstandard compensating aids and must be noted on the FEI Masterlist).
- Soft Hand Hold (Maximum 10cm from pommel when held, and 30cm width)
- Deep Saddle
- Elastic Bands on Stirrups
- Enclosed Stirrups
- Magnetic Stirrups
- One Whip (Maximum 120cm length, with no modifications)
- Breast plate and/or Neck Strap
- Double Bridle
- Split reins for Double Bridle
- Elastic Inserts in Reins
- Knotted Reins
- Safety Vest including inflatable