Payment for Jumping Officials

Recommended Pay Rates for ESNZ Jumping Officials

Upgrading, seminars and course costs are covered by ESNZ Jumping but all other costs, travel & accommodation costs are born by officials and the shows. This becomes expensive for officials if they are travelling any distance.
The following are recommended payments for ESNZ officials officiating at your show.

Any additional payment to cover cost of travel to be negotiated between OC and officials. It is recommended that this is agreed at time of confirming officials roles.

Course Designers   
FEI Level 3 $350 per day
FEI Level 2 $300 per day
National 2, 3 & FEI Level 1  $250 per day
National Level 1 &  Show Hunter $200 per day


FEI Level & President of the Ground Jury  $200 per day
National Level 2 & 3, incl Show Hunter $150 per day
National Level 1, incl Show Hunter $100 per day


FEI Level & Chief Stewards $200 per day
National Level 3  $150 per day
National Level 2 $100 per day
National Level 1  N/A as in training


Technical Delegates  
FEI Level $200 per day
National Level 2 & 3 $150 per day
National Level 1 $100 per day