FEI HorseApp

  • Important info for any riders competing in FEI events.
  • Important info for OC members running FEI events.

FEI HorseApp info for athletes and OCs

FEI update – 7 February 2023

Dear FEI Athletes, Grooms & Associated Persons,
We would like to take this opportunity to reiterate the importance of the FEI’s Horse Health Requirements, and the necessity to fulfil the Horse Health Requirements via the FEI HorseApp to ensure the maximum safety for all horses competing at international events.
With the northern hemisphere currently in the midst of winter, there is a heightened risk of spreading diseases such as EHV-1, as horses are more likely to spend more time indoors (ie in the stables, at indoor events).
Consequently, we would like to remind the equestrian community that the Horse Health Requirements put in place by the FEI and in accordance with Art. 1027 and 1029 of the FEI 2023 Veterinary Regulations, since 1 January 2022, are a crucial preventative biosecurity tool, and it is of utmost importance that these requirements are consistently applied by all.  
All information in relation to the Horse Health Requirements is available on the dedicated Horse Health Requirements hub. 


FEI Horse Health Requirements – Sanction System Update – 23 June 2022

Dear FEI Athletes, Grooms & Associated Persons,
During the FEI Board Meeting held on the 21-22 June 2022, an important decision was taken to update the sanction system for non-fulfilment of the Horse Health Requirements introduced in response to the severe EHV-1 outbreak in mainland Europe last year. The detailed Press Release can be consulted here.

The updated sanction system will be applied for all FEI Events starting as of Monday 4 July 2022 in mainland Europe and will apply as of 1 September 2022 worldwide; the requirements that must be fulfilled have not changed and can be found on the Horse Health Requirements Hub.

Horse Health Requirements

In accordance with Art. 1029 and 1031 of the FEI Veterinary Regulations, ALL Horses competing at ALL FEI Events worldwide must fulfil the Horse Health Requirements via the FEI HorseApp:

  1. Take two daily temperature readings for every Horse that will be present at an FEI Event for the three days leading up to the day of arrival and enter these recordings in the FEI HorseApp.
  1. Fill in a Horse Health FEI Self-Certification form on the FEI HorseApp for all Horses attending an FEI Event.
  1. Take the temperature of each Horse twice a day at the FEI Event using your own thermometer and record the measurements directly in the FEI HorseApp.

Sanction System

In accordance with Annex VI of the FEI Veterinary Regulations, sanctions are applied in case of violation of the requirements listed above. The current Sanction System has been modified:

  • Three further levels have been added to the sanction scale prior to imposing a Horse suspension. This gives each PR ample opportunity to fully understand the importance of the Horse Health Requirements and comply accordingly.
  • There is increased flexibility if more than one temperature recording has been missed whilst at an FEI Event, prior to a sanction being issued.
  • Suspensions will only be enforced once a Horse has finished competing at the event at which the relevant sanction has been received.

It is no longer necessary to enter 10 days of temperature recordings when a Horse is blocked or suspended.

Support & Guidelines

  • The Horse Health Requirements can be found here, with a specific section for Athletes and Grooms.
  • Videos and guidelines on how to use the FEI HorseApp to fulfil the Horse Health Requirements can be found here.
  • All information regarding the FEI HorseApp can be found here. You will need to log in to the FEI HorseApp with your FEI ID number and password.
  • Information regarding the revised sanction system can be found here.

If you have any questions or require any assistance, please don’t hesitate to contact us by email at [email protected]