FEI Campus

A FREE cutting-edge e-learning platform in the equestrian world and relevant to New Zealand rider and horse welfare.


This month we’re recommending Equine Prohibited Substances.  This free online course is suitable for all members of the equestrian community regardless of their role.  The course provides you with information as well as practical tips to avoid inadvertent positive cases under the FEI’s Equine Anti-Doping and Controlled Medication Programme.

Our staff have tried and recommend other online courses that we have found to be helpful:

Code of Conduct for the Welfare of the Horse – this free online course provides information on how horses should be treated and looked after, and not just for competition. It includes general welfare, fitness to compete, how events must not prejudice horse welfare, humane treatment of horses, and education.

An Introduction to Ethics & Welfare  – this free online course provides all members of the equestrian community with basic knowledge of the societal concerns surrounding the interactions with horses, what our duty of care towards horses involves, and which factors must be considered to ensure that a horse’s welfare needs are being met.

Supported by IRT, Equestrian Sports NZ’s Official Horse Welfare Partner.

Join FEI CAMPUS for free.