
Coming soon…


Region: (None)

Ashburton Dressage Group is a small group of riders and volunteers dedicated to helping those with an interest in dressage in the Mid Canterbury district. Our area is between the Rakaia and the Rangitata Rivers.
Our winter series of three competitions spaced a month apart begins in May and aims to encourage those new to dressage and those training through the winter. In September we run the season’s first all grades regional tournament with challenge classes and in November we run a local registered competition including non registered classes.
We consider ourselves very fortunate as we all get along very well and have a lot of fun. We welcome anyone who wishes to compete, assist, learn or join our Group. 


Region: (None)

Auckland Manukau Dressage Group
Clevedon Showgrounds, Monument Road, Clevedon
2 x 80x100m all weather cushionride/sand surfaces with clubhouse & hard parking, 70 open yards, 25 covered and 5 stallion boxes.

Each season AMDG hold a 4 day Spring series and a 4 day Autumn series plus our Regional Champs the “Festival of Dressage” over Auckland Anniversary weekend.  We also hold various winter series and training days for those new to dressage and for young horses. Membership is not compulsory but we offer great benefits to those who join such as free or reduced facility fees and priority entry to our shows. We are a friendly club with an active hard-working committee dedicated to bringing dressage to all levels of competitor and supporting our dressage stars.


Region: (None)


Region: (None)

Bay of Islands

Region: (None)

Bay of Islands Dressage is a branch of Dressage Northland.

Our group based at Kaikohe AP & I Showgrounds in Kaikohe has been going for over 30 years with many first and second generation members actively involved. In conjunction with the show committee we have three all weather arenas and a large hard stand parking area. Members are able to purchase keys to use the facilities. We hold 3 tournaments a year plus training days. We are proud of our reputation of running friendly relaxed but competitive events. A popular part of the group is our rallies which are held during the winter months and also in the evenings during summer. This is a great opportunity for riders new to the sport, those with young or inexperienced horses and those just wanting to enjoy riding in company. We have a strong number of experienced judges within our group who are happy to pass on their knowledge. We have also fostered a number of young riders who are a strong part of our group.
We look forward to the future for our group.
Bay of Islands Dressage group also encourages the social aspect of our sport holding a popular prizegiving annually and regular BBQ get togethers. We also arrange carpooling etc to attend judges seminars.

Bay of Plenty

Region: Bay of Plenty

Dressage is a very active sport in the Bay of Plenty with four local groups that operate under the Dressage Bay of Plenty banner – Tauranga, Rotorua, Taupo and Eastern Bays. We help our riders, promote the sport of Dressage and engage in governance at National level. We also work together to put on the best Championship show we can, and have a good time doing it!  Our Regional show is held at the Fiber Fresh National Equestrian Centre in Taupo over Labour weekend each year, and is a “Kiwi Arena Rakes Premier  League Event”. 

If you have any questions please contact 

Eastern Bay of Plenty: Trudy Murray  [email protected]

Taupo: Belle Clark  [email protected]

Rotorua: Ottilie Upshall  [email protected]

Tauranga: Juliet Iremonger [email protected]

Bay of Plenty

Region: (None)

Bay of Plenty

Region: (None)


Region: (None)

Canterbury Dressage is made up of an enthusiastic group of volunteers, with a membership of approximately 250 riders and over 25 judges and officials.  The committee oversees the management and organisation of monthly dressage events held at the South Island National Equestrian Centre, McLean’s Island.

Competitors at all levels are fortunate to compete on all-weather surfaces, and the centre offers good yards and stabling facilities. The group is committed to the development of dressage in the South Island, across all age groups, and each year invites applications to the Canterbury Dressage Development squad, consisting of 12 riders receiving monthly coaching with a strong focus on correct training and competition performance. Other initiatives include a judges training and development fund, and a rider’s travel fund.

The pinnacle event is the annual South Island Dressage Championships which sees up to 200 competitors vying for South Island dressage titles and accompanying trophies.  Canterbury Dressage prides itself on welcoming riders and anyone interested in dressage at any level to become involved in this rewarding sport and progressive group of dressage enthusiasts.


Region: (None)


Region: (None)

Canterbury Endurance & CTR Club

Region: (None)

Central Districts

Region: Central Districts

Dressage Central Districts (Manawatu) was founded in 1975 holding shows at the Bulls Domain. Soon outgrowing this area competition was moved to Sanson. When Pat and Helen Williams built Tielcey Park in the early 1990’s DCD quickly moved in to take advantage of the improved facilities. 
In the early days training was held at the Santoft Domain with Errol O’Brien. Later Karl D’Jurenak and Lockie Richards gave lessons at the Dalrymple and Sutherland properties. Christmas parties were held at the Santoft Domain with tests in the morning and quadrille’s in the afternoon.
More recently there has been more focus on competition with individualism coming through with influences of professional trainers from overseas. How far we have come with our Dressage training!
Competitions have now moved to Manfeild Park which boasts some of the best facilities in New Zealand. 
We aspire to encourage and grow our members, new and old. The DCD holds monthly meetings at the Rathole pub in Bulls where everyone is welcome – we discuss and put together our shows, discuss new ideas to implement as well as organising training days and yearly dinners.
We are always open to new suggestions and new members. Please join us!

Central Districts

Region: (None)

Central Districts

Region: (None)

Central Districts

Region: (None)

Central Hawke's Bay

Region: (None)

We are a small group of dressage enthusiasts from Waipukurau in Central Hawkes Bay.  We are based out of the Waipukurau Showgrounds and hold 2-3 competitions each year, a 2 day Local Event in October, the A&P show dressage for the RAS in November and a ribbon day.  We are a sub group of SHB Dressage and work with NHB Dressage to complement the competitions they hold.

Central Otago

Region: (None)

A small friendly and progressive group operating from the picturesque town of Cromwell
Dressage Central Otago is an official ESNZ branch of Dressage Otago.

Competition venue is:
Cromwell Racecourse
Ord Rd

East Coast Endurance

Region: South Canterbury/North Otago

Eastern Bay of Plenty

Region: (None)

Eastern Bay Dressage group is a branch of Dressage Bay of Plenty

The Eastern Bay Dressage group was formed over 28 years ago to promote dressage within the Eastern Bay of Plenty.  We hold a spring dressage training series, and along with our Championship show in September, we also have a show jumping and dressage combined day.  We use the Te Teko Race Course to hold our events, and are currently in the process of trying to get an all weather surface for this venue.  This is in conjunction with our local Show Jumping group as the all weather arena will benefit other equestrian groups in our area. We also organize rallies and social events for our members.


Region: (None)

GISBORNE DRESSAGE was formed around 60 years ago and has grown in stature from very small beginnings.
We are a friendly and positive group of dressage enthusiasts who welcome all levels from grassroots to grand prix.
Our championship show is held in November with a full programme catering for all levels from introductory to grand prix including ponies and young riders. Gisborne Dressage is happy to pay out on all placings irrespective of the percentage gained.
We offer fantastic facilities for both horses and riders. Level 4 and above work in and compete on surfaced areas and the Advanced and GP freestyles are run at night in the indoor arena followed by a fabulous banquet.
Throughout the year we hold 4 separate graded events and several training/ instructional days as a means of fundraising. These days are run by our more experienced members kindly volunteering their time and expertise.
We have a huge range of ages within our group, with children aged from 6 to our more mature riders 70 and beyond. Our sport is available to both able bodied and carded para riders. We are one of the few Dressage Groups in NZ that hold stand alone classes for our ponies and young riders.


Region: (None)


Region: (None)


Region: Wellington

We are a locally run dressage group in the Horowhenua District in the Lower North Island of New Zealand.
We presently have around 60 current members.
We aim to provide rider training and education, and hold training/non registered shows and registered shows throughout the year. We cater for the rider just starting out in dressage through to the rider competing at advanced level.

In around 1989/90, the late Fred Barnes got together a group of enthusiasts and formed the Horowhenua Dressage Group. Informal dressage competitions were held at the Ohau Pony Club grounds usually on a Wednesday night.

In 1991, Margaret Harris called a meeting at Ferndale and it was agreed to officially form a Horowhenua Dressage Group as a sub group of Wellington Dressage. Some of the first members who are still actively involved are Kaye Emeny, Carol Bloomfield, and Cathy Devenport.

The first President of the Group was Margaret Harris (now a life member); and the first Treasurer was Karen Trotter (at present, President of Dressage N.Z.)

In the early days four tournaments a year were held, usually at Levin Showgrounds although a couple of the first ones were held at Otaki Racecourse and a winter series of five ribbon days held at Waikanae Park. Members also helped out Dressage Wellington when they hosted the North Island Dressage Champs at Trentham racecourse by travelling down and erecting the arenas.

Now there are two tournaments a year, both held at Foxton Racecourse as the ground conditions there are suitable for all year round use and there is no risk of cancellation due to ground conditions. We also hold a series of practice days for various Levels    at  Waikanae Park on the sand arena during the Winter Months.  These are proving very popular with large numbers of entries necessitating having 2 divisions in Level 1.  Musical freestyles were introduced in 2011 and these gave riders a chance to practise their tests.

Kohuratahi Endurance Club

Region: (None)

MacKenzie Endurance Club

Region: (None)


Region: (None)

Marlborough Dressage Group is a collective community of dressage riders and enthusiasts, passionately supporting the art of dressage competition and training in the beautiful Marlborough region.

 With a legacy of talent performing at the high levels of dressage, this success has underpinned the ‘up and coming, young,  and grass roots riders and competitors, serving to inspire our riders. Marlborough Elite riders have achieved on the national and international stages and show us that through dedication success at the highest levels is achievable.

 The welfare, health and safety of each and every horse and rider remains our Groups top priority as we aim for the sympathetic and correct training of our horses in partnership, diligently following the governance of DNZ. 

Our events are all  run at the magnificent Marlborough Equestrian Park . We run non graded competition across the Winter months and invite all riders to ‘give dressage a go’ and the series is also perfect for bringing out young horses. Our Summer Series provides top competition for those aspiring for national competition later in the season, whilst still catering for those learning or just involved for fun,and our Premier League Championship Show is particularly well run by our super volunteer Committee, and serves as a highlight to many riders travelling from around the South Island.


Region: (None)


Region: (None)

Morrinsville/Te Aroha

Region: (None)

The Morrinsville – Te Aroha Dressage Group was formed in 1980 to promote and organize dressage events within our area. We operate as a sub group of Dressage Waikato from our base at the lovely Waihou Recreation Reserve situated between the two towns.
Our group holds open competitions in March and November and run a very popular non-grading two day series in April and May. Our well run competitions are known as welcoming, laid back days with really terrific food available. We hold regular club days at our grounds as well as summer and winter camps at various venues. These offer a learning experience combined with plenty of socializing. We also have a Development Fund for active and contributing members to gain skills and/or knowledge.
We are known as a friendly, supportive group to riders of all abilities. Serious about our sport, but we realize that not everyone wants to ride competitively.
MTDG is a small group, but with a hard working, dedicated committee that dreams big!


Region: (None)

The aim of our club is to provide a fun, safe, friendly environment for all of our riders at competitions and to cater for riders of all levels from grass roots to the more seasoned competitor.
Our small yet seemly tireless committee works hard to provide competitions that cater for our region, providing quality judges and smooth running events. Over winter we run an accumulator series for our non-graded and graded riders and a young rider series, and during the summer we have awards that are targeted not just for winners but for all our riders that show certain qualities and commitment.
Alongside our website we produce the regular newsletter ‘Heads up’ which enables members to be informed of news, visiting trainers, horse care, meetings, upcoming competitions and information relating to our area.


Region: (None)

Course builder Robbie McLean kindly travels South each year to design a new challenge for competitors. 


Region: (None)

North Canterbury

Region: Canterbury

North Island

Region: (None)

Northern Hawke's Bay

Region: (None)

This Group was born (est.1977) out of a combined passion of Horses and the Art of Dressage. We all enjoy being in the outdoors, achieving personal goals, fitness and friends. And of course working towards a better connection with our lovely horses. The Group run a number of Competitions during the year including Winter Series, Training Days and Regional Championships at the Hastings A and P grounds We are heavily involved in the running of the Dressage section of the Horse of the Year Show. .Also Judges Clinics and Local rider development subsidies as well as education nights with videos etc.. We also have a popular Facebook page with training tips and links. Our website has info on how to join and competition schedules.

Northern Hawke's Bay

Region: (None)

Eventing Northern Hawkes Bay runs Horse Trials in Autumn and Spring at the Hawkes Bay Equestrian Park.

Northern Hawke's Bay

Region: (None)

Northern Hawke's Bay- Showhunter

Region: (None)


Region: Northland


Northland is a long narrow area at the top of the North Island with a long history of promoting dressage. 

Dressage started in Northland approximately 50 years ago with Mr Cliff McIntosh from Kaikohe starting the Bay of Islands Dressage Group based at the Kaikohe A P & H Showgrounds with Heather Ineson (Mr Mac’s daughter) Sheenah Johnson and Lois Andrewes.  BOIDG is still thriving, holding rallies throughout the year, 2 training days and 3 tournaments. Many competitors are members of both groups with the groups working closely together.   

The Northern Equitation Club was started a few years later by Janet Papich, Carol Going and Ruth Gillingham catering for Whangarei Area to Far North  (as Northland is rather spread out) but also running tournaments often in conjunction with Show hunter.   Northern Equitation Club had well over 100 members also running  Judges/Riders Seminars and 4 tournaments a season.  It ran for just over 20 years.

When the Disciplines split up Dressage Northland was formed along with Northland Horse Trials and Northland Showjumping with members helping in all disciplines when able.

Dressage Northland has a very capable and enthusiastic committee of 22 who now run 12 competition days including the Premier League Show at Barge Showgrounds and a 2 day tournament in the Far North at Kaitaia. There is a fabulous stud tour and BBQ dinner at Matthews Hanoverians which encourages many riders to travel to Kaitaia to compete.

 Northland has16 judges from G Level to A Level.    DN run Non Graded Classes, O Level Classes for CN riders and also Pony Club classes to encourage younger riders to try dressage tests.

Dressage Northland also run Protocol Days, and Judges/Riders discussion days.  These days are very popular with about 40-60 people attending.  Dressage Northland is fortunate to have Advanced horses and very willing riders who are always very gracious in giving their time and expertise at these discussion days.  A Rider/Judge discussion day is planned for August at the Kaikohe Showgrounds  and also a  Protocol day will be run in December at Barge Showgrounds. DN also has a rider subsidy scheme for lessons.

Dressage Northland run a series of Circuits over the season including:

Matthews Hanoverians Open Circuit sponsored by Peter & Judith Matthews

Ebony Trophy – for riders over 45 years sponsored by Jean Jeffs

Musical Freestyle Circuit sponsored by Lois Andrewes

Thoroughbred Circuit, for registered thoroughbreds sponsored by Avril Semmens

Northland PMG Circuit for Level 1 and 2 horses sponsored  by Pacific Motor Group

Non Graded Circuit sponsored by Chrissy Dawkins – Tru You

For further information please contact Karen Stewart 0272125721 (DN Secretary) or Lois Andrewes 0273610136 (Northland Delegate)



Region: (None)

Eventing Northland host two events each year, one in Spring and one in Autumn at Barge Park. 


Region: (None)


Region: (None)

The Otago Showjumping group is managed by a small number of showjumping enthusiasts who are dedicated to making the group a success.  
Otago Showjumping holds their shows at the Mosgiel A&P Showgrounds, just south of Dunedin. This is a top class facility, used by a range of equestrian groups.
The main goal is to provide high quality training and competition days. These days cater for beginner riders through to Grand Prix. We have a number of top riders representing Otago, both nationally and internationally.


Region: (None)

Otago -Dressage

Region: (None)

Dressage Otago are based in Mosgiel and use the Otago Taieri A&P show grounds, we hold 4 tournaments a season for all levels and also run the South Island Points Prize.  In addition to our tournaments we also hold a winter series and in early spring a number of have a go days to help combinations prepare for the new season.  There are lots of opportunities to get involved with Dressage Otago, if you would like to explore them, contact us, we’d love the hear from you.


Region: (None)

Dressage Rotorua is a branch of Dressage Bay of Plenty

Dressage Rotorua has been promoting the sport in Rotorua for well over 30 years. The group is based at the River­dale Show Grounds in Ngongotaha, and also holds shows at the Fiber Fresh NEC in Taupo. We hold open competitions (grading & non-grading) shows in August & September as a Spring Series; in January on the day after the Rotorua A&P Show, and in April we hold a 2-day cham­pionship show.  The shows cater for riders from Training through to Advanced levels, and we award High Points trophies each year to members of our club based on their results at our events throughout the season. Dressage Rotorua members also compete as part of the BOP Dunstan Accumulator series each year.  We run clinics and training days with subsidised lessons for eligible members.   New members are always very welcome and membership information can be found on our website.

Ruahine Endurance Club

Region: (None)



South Cant/North Otago

Region: (None)

SCNO dressage Group was started in the 1970’s and was under the umbrella of the local Horse Society Area group until the separate disciplines separated in 1991. 
Our SCNO group hold their Tournaments at the Temuka A & P Showgrounds in Winchester.
The group holds Three Two day tournaments. 
In August we run a two day tournament with a Training Competition on the Saturday and a Registered and Training competition on the Sunday.
Our Two Day Regional Show is held in September this year but will move to October in 2015.
In March the group runs a Two Day Autumn Tournament with Registered and Training classes

South Cant/North Otago

Region: (None)

South Cant/North Otago

Region: (None)

South Canterbury / North Otago Area ESNZ Show Jumping & Show Hunter is based at the Southern Canterbury A&P Showgrounds in Waimate.

We hold three two-day shows anually, as well as assisting with show jumping at A&P shows within our area.

South Cant/North Otago

Region: (None)

South Island

Region: (None)

Southern Hawke's Bay

Region: (None)

We are a small group of Dressage enthusiasts in the Southern Hawke’s Bay area, who run a Regional Championship show every year in December at the beautiful Dannevirke Showgrounds as well as other small activities. Central Hawkes Bay Dressage Group are also a part of our area and hold regular events each year. The SHB Tournament is held in December each year and is always very well supported by competitors. The facilities are superb and we strive to be accommodating and cater for everybody’s needs.
We are a very small committee so always welcome new members to our group. Each year we endeavour to run lesson days as well as conduct a judges clinic encompassing all surrounding areas.  


Region: (None)

Dressage Southland was established in the 1960’s and currently has over 150 members, with a smaller group of dedicated people  working together to bring the sport closer to everyone.

Many of our members successfully represent Southland at national and regional levels while others aim to simply improve their riding ability and enjoyment of their horses at a local level.

Each year Dressage Southland organises and hosts a series of competitions, as well as ‘Have a Go’ and Training Days, which aim to take the mystery out of our sport and we have seen new faces in our “Pairs Dressage” and Prix Caprilli classes…keeping the fun and the jump in! 

The home of Southland Dressage is the Gore Showgrounds and our competitions attract large numbers of entrants from throughout Southland, Otago and Canterbury. Details of up and coming events, results and other useful information can be found on the group’s website

Dressage in Southland has the support of a number of local businesses for which we are most grateful.  We have listed their names on our website for your information.


Region: (None)


Region: (None)

Sthn/Central Hawke's Bay

Region: (None)

Sthn/Central Hawke's Bay

Region: (None)


Region: (None)

Taihape is one of the smallest Dressage Groups in New Zealand, however that small size does not stop us from running a two day Championship Show in November.  The competition is run on the picturesque Taihape Memorial Park which is within walking distance of Taihape’s main centre.


Region: (None)


Region: (None)

From organising training programs and clinics for riders, coaches, and judges, to running local and regional shows, Dressage Taranaki are committed to developing dressage in Taranaki.
We provide competition and support for all levels, from newcomers through to elite combinations. We have a strong history of our members achieving excellence at a national level and we take pride in seeing members progress through the grades and achieve personal bests.
We facilitate education programmes for our judges to ensure they are given the opportunity to upgrade, and to encourage potential judges to learn what judging is all about.
Our information network ensures members are kept up to date with the latest national and regional news, including being informed when visiting trainers will be in our area. We have a strong social media presence and share regular updates, photos, results, and information via Facebook and our website.
The majority of our shows are held at the Egmont A&P Showgrounds in Hawera which boasts some of the best overnight horse accommodation in the country, as well as an indoor arena and large grass oval.
We welcome new members to get in touch with us to enjoy our warm hospitality and share our love for the sport of dressage.


Region: (None)


Region: (None)

Taranaki Equestrian Jumping is an “Area Group” affiliated to Equestrian Sport New Zealand Jumping (ESNZ Jumping). There are twenty “Area Groups” throughout New Zealand who are all charged with delivering the sport of equestrian jumping (previously referred to as ‘Showjumping’) to the equestrian community.

Our mission is to advance Jumping and Showhunter by providing a welcoming club environment, training opportunities, modern jumping equipment and running local and national shows. We also endeavour to encourage and promote the advancement of volunteers, officials and course designers.

Taranaki Equestrian Jumping also contribute to the governance of the sport through actively promoting our officials to the Board and Sub Committees of ESNZ Jumping, and through remits presented at the annual conference. We actively promote ESNZ Jumping initiatives and endeavour to reflect their  strategic plan through our club initiatives.

Taranaki Equestrian Jumping have a brilliant history of success. We have been operating since 1985 And since that time have seen three Olympians emerge including Harvey Wilson (1988 Seoul Olympics), and Heelan Tompkins and Matthew Grayling have both been Eventing Olympians.

We welcome all new members and will do our very best to assist and encourage your jumping endeavours, assist with training and keep all members well informed of our club activities.


Region: (None)


Region: (None)

Taupo Dressage Group is an active, supportive organisation that gives back to its members. With the Fiber-Fresh National Equestrian Centre at our doorstep and the development of a world class international indoor arena, we consider our facilities to be one of the best in the country. We provide the opportunity to have subsidised lessons from experienced dressage instructors on our rally days, and encourage our judges and officials to attend clinics, assisting them wherever possible along the way. The group runs registered and non-registered competitions and being a part of the Bay of Plenty Dressage Group enables us to access additional support and experience. We welcome all our members and interested parties to join us at our monthly meetings which is a great place to see how our committee members plan ahead for the group.


Region: Bay of Plenty

Tauranga Dressage is a branch of Dressage Bay of Plenty.

Tauranga Dressage is a group of like-minded people with a common interest in horses and in particular dressage. We hold monthly social gatherings with our meetings, rallies, train­ing days and regular competitions.

Our grounds are at the lovely Tauranga Racecourse on Cameron Road, and include a large all-weather arena, plenty of yarding and parking. On our website, you will find news on recent events, information and programs for up-coming events and see what’s been going on in the photo gallery. We always welcome new members, so if you would like to join please fill out our membership form and post it in.


Region: (None)

We are a progressive thinking regional division of Dressage New Zealand, actively fostering participation & excellence in Dressage in the Waikato Region from training level to Grand Prix. Friendly and fun for both non-riding and riding members we offer training, development and competition events to encourage and assist new riders to the sport and also help support our dedicated competitors on their journey to reach top achievements at regional, national and international levels.

Dressage Waikato is proudly home to many top dressage trainers and competitors including Bill Noble, Jody Hartstone and Christine Weal and with a number of our riders at various levels of Dressage NZ’s Development Squad. Our area is bursting with quality horses and riders, a number of indoor training facilities and top competition venues such as Kihikihi Equestrian Park, home of the Kihikihi International Horse Trials and many of our competitions, and a growing favourite – the Waikato Equestrian Centre.

Our committee and officials are hard working, talented and very determined to continue developing the sport in our region, with the likes of senior judge Marcia Bayley and recently event secretary Christine Hartstone each awarded the Fissenden Trophy for Contribution to Dressage in New Zealand.

But most importantly – we generously help each other with a positive team spirit and have lots of fun along the way. Check out our website and Facebook page, and we hope to see you sometime soon in the Waikato.


Region: (None)

What started off as “Cambridge Festival of Showjumping”…

Starting in 1997, our local showjumping group ran a 2 day showjumping show that was held at Cambridge Thoroughbred Lodge, Cambridge New Zealand: 3 rings and 200 competitors….it was a concept that worked!

However with quickly escalating competitor numbers, the Committee decided to move onto a venue better suited to the objectives of the group and our horse show so we shifted to the Waipa Equestrian Park in Kihikihi.

From 2008, we expanded into 4 rings over our 3 day show. And from that time, now host a 3* World Cup Round (one of 6 only in all of NZ). Our diverse show program successfully caters to over 500 competitors of all levels; and we entertain up to 3000 spectators. In a time of great national recession, 2009 was our largest show ever and we were awarded the national distinction from Equestrian Sport New Zealand as having been voted the BEST NZ AREA SHOW OF THE YEAR –and– BEST ORGANIZED & STAGED SHOW IN NZ. These titles were voted on by our peers, the riders, the supporters, and other areas’ showjumping committees. So in essence, we even had our “competitors” voting for our particular show. A true honour, and one we are exremely proud of.

In 2013, we again moved our show with the view of creating better facilities for the horses and riders. Our move was to the well known Mystery Creek Events Centre. It is more central, close to the airport and boasts a international standard indoor arena, a new outdoor surface, an outdoor grass surface and the training/practice arena. The yarding and parking are closer to the competition arenas and the facilities for the riders are some of the nicest that you can find at an event.

We have always been fortunate in receiving a high level of support from both our local community, Waipa Council, and the equestrian industry of large. Without their generosity and continued support, we would not be able to run the show to the high standard of expectation.

Our sponsors are well looked after with a VIP marquee, lunch and drinks and the chance to meet the world cup riders and watch the action. We are fortunate to have been able to secure several large sponsors who are dedicated to assisting us with promoting a professional event.

Our show is supported by many trade stands and food outlets and we are entertained during the day and late into the evenings with music and dancing.



Region: (None)

Waikato Endurance Club

Region: (None)


Region: (None)

Wairarapa Dressage is based at Solway Showgrounds in Masterton. We have a number of registered riders who regularly compete at regional competitions from level 1 through to level 7. We hold a regional show in January and a 2-day spring tournament around September each year. We also work closely with Solway Dressage to encourage participation in dressage across our region. Solway Dressage has around 50 financial members who participate in monthly rallies and our Autumn Ribbon Day Series which is run over April – June each year. Solway Showgrounds offers great facilities with a brand new 110 x 75m all weather arena, as well as a separate 60 x 20m all weather surface. There are 30 new covered yards being built, along with a wide range of existing stables, covered and uncovered yards. The Showgrounds is located in a picturesque park-like setting, with an historic wooden grandstand overlooking the Solway Oval.


Region: (None)

Eventing Wairarapa is an enthusiastic group dedicated to promoting the sport of horse trials at all levels, from entry level to elite.
In 2014 we moved to our new venue, the Clareville A & P Showgrounds in Clareville, just out of Carterton. Our creative and dedicated course builders, Chris Lever and Donna Harley have been hard at work designing stunning tracks from Introductory to CCN3* 


Region: (None)


Region: (None)

Wairarapa Endurance & CTR Club

Region: (None)

Waitaki Endurance & CTR Club

Region: (None)

Join Waitaki Endurance & CTR Club


Region: (None)

Dressage Waitemata covers the area from Waipu to the Harbour Bridge and everything in between. We are very lucky to have the use of Woodhill Sands Equestrian Centre for our circuit days and championship show.
We are an enthusiastic group of volunteers whose focus is on helping our riders to achieve an environment for competition which is both inviting and relaxing – to give them the best chance at achieving their goals.
For information about our events and schedules please visit our website and keep up to date with us on Facebook.


Region: (None)

To promote Show Jumping in the Waitemata Area by providing training days and national series classes at our summer shows.
Welcome to Show Jumping Waitemata. We aim to provide fun and professional show jumping for all to enjoy. We welcome all riders from Pony Club riders and amateurs, to full professionals, everyone is welcome!
Show Jumping Waitemata is partnered with the premium equestrian centre Woodhill Sands on James Mackie Drive in Helensville. Woodhill Sands is a fantastic centre with all weather jumping on great ground (sand and grass) and wonderful facilities including a kiosk. Show Jumping Waitemata run all our events from Woodhill Sands.


Region: (None)


Region: (None)

Dressage Warkworth  is a branch of Dressage Waitemata.

We are a small but enthusiastic group of dressage riders. We have the availability of our A&P grounds for our 4 summer competition days, which are very centrally located on State Highway 1, and we also run a number of indoor clinics during winter, for which we are very privileged to be able to use Stable 88 in Matakana.  We have a number of competitive riders in our group and would like to increase our riding membership this year. We have a number of exciting plans for our summer competition days and hope that they will be attended well.


Region: (None)

Dressage Wellington is a group that has an active and enthusiastic membership. The group runs a Regional Championship show in October and 2 local one day tournaments in January and February at Trentham Memorial Park in Upper Hutt. We support our members by organising informational evenings and subsidising training clinics with notable instructors. We have also offered training scholarships so our members can continue their training with their own instructors. In 2013 Dressage Wellington ran a very successful Masterclass with Jeremy Steinberg who was the previous USDF Young rider coach and currently coaches the ESNZ High Performance Dressage riders. This masterclass was full of lots of local talent and held in Upper Hutt. Dressage Wellington has also been very fortunate to have fantastic sponsors to enable us to run our events. Long time sponsors Denis and Cynthia Reichenbach have sponsored our Championship show for many years and we are indebted to them for their support. We also have a number of very loyal class sponsors as well who we are extremely grateful to. Our committee is a very dedicated and fun group of people who are all committed to improving dressage and encouraging riders into our sport as well as providing a friendly and social environment at our events. If you are in Wellington and would like to know more about dressage we would love to hear from you.
Dressage Horowhenua is a branch of Dressage Wellington


Region: (None)


Region: Wellington

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