NZ Three Day Event Championships

Held annually, the New Zealand Three Day Event Championships is one of New Zealand’s premiere equestrian events. The finale of the New Zealand eventing season, it promises to be a great event.  The National Equestrian Centre in Taupo is the place to be for the New Zealand 3DE Championships from 9th – 12th May 2024


Our 2024 Event Sponsors

Online Programme

The 2024 online Programme can be found here

Please see the timetable here

Information for Media and Photographers

We welcome registrations from photographers and media keen to cover the New Zealand Three Day Event Championships (NZ3DE) at Taupo (May 9-12 2024).

There is always plenty to photograph and write about, and we are anticipating superb fields once again this year at a very special venue sporting incredible courses. 

The National Equestrian Centre in Taupo has limited media facilities, so those wishing to file from the event should ensure they have their own internet option.

Our people are second-to-none, and happy to help in any way with information and advice.

Photographers will be asked to supply the event with six images each that will be used on our own website and Facebook pages, and possibly for promotion in the future. They will not be shared to a third party.

Thanks and we look forward to hearing from you.

WHAT: New Zealand Three Day Event Championships 
WHERE: National Equestrian Centre, Taupo
WHEN: May 9-12 2024

Spectator and General Information

The Olympic sport of Eventing (also known as Horse Trials) is the equivalent of an equestrian triathlon where the three tests of dressage, cross country and show jumping are completed by the same horse/rider combination. Eventing is a discipline at which New Zealand has excelled with numerous Olympic and World Championship successes. It is also one of a handful of sports where men and women compete on equal terms and the genuine amateur can compete against a World or Olympic Champion.

The New Zealand 3 Day Event is the finale event for the New Zealand eventing season that runs from September to May. It is where the senior National 3DE titles are contested – the Wills Trophy, the Picadilly Trophy, the Mamaku Trophy and the Thomson Trophy, along with the National Young Event Horse Championship – The Mary Bowling Memorial Trophy. 

Trade Stands

We welcome trade stands selling equestrian equipment, clothing and outdoor products, as well as tasty food and beverages. If you think equestrian enthusiasts are your target market, then this is the place to be!  

Exhibit your business at the NZ 3DE for just $30 excl gst per metre frontage – BYO own power.

Exhibitors need to provide their own canopy or tent. For canopy hire we recommend you contact Taupo Hire on phone (07) 378 7251.

Confirmation and payment details will be sent once your application has been accepted. A receipted invoice will be emailed to the address provided. 

If you would like to have a Trade Stand at the NZ 3DE at Taupo, please complete the form here and send via email to:  [email protected]