About the FEI Dressage World Challenge
The aim of the FEI World Challenge series is to offer athletes who, under normal circumstances, cannot take part in international competitions due to various factors (travel cost and distances for example), the opportunity to compete internationally without having to leave their own country. These “hybrid” competitions are meant as a bridge between the National and first International level of competition and are meant to help NFs develop the various disciplines in their country. FEI World Challenges exist in Jumping, Dressage, Eventing, Vaulting, Driving and Para Dressage.
It offers five performance levels and two age groups (12-16 yrs; 16 yrs and older):
• Intermediate I
• Prix St. Georges
• Senior II
• Senior I
• Youth
Individual Classification:
The FEI Dressage World Challenge offers a World Individual and Regional classification per Level.
Team Classification:
The FEI Dressage World Challenge offers a World Team classification. A minimum of 3 and a maximum of 4 Team Athletes can be nominated. The Team members’ ultimate results, expressed in percentages, will be added. The results achieved by the three best Team athletes will count for the Team Classification. Scores obtained at higher technical levels will have a higher coefficient, this may impact the overall results and Team members’ selection process.
Development of the Sport
The FEI Dressage World Challenge also serves as an educational purpose by linking the competition with the coaching. The Dressage tests are in correlation with the Levels 1, 2 and 3 of the FEI Coach Education System, which is implemented in the same NFs that participate to the FEI Dressage World Challenge.
National Federations that have applied through the FEI Solidarity for an ESEE (Equestrian Sport Educative Event) in Dressage have the possibility to link the competition to the education of their National officials, which is another important tool aimed towards the development of the discipline.
The FEI World Dressage Challenge is held between the 1 January and the 31 December.
2024 Livamol FEI Dressage World Challenge NZL
The 2024 Livamol FEI Dressage World Challenge Event (NZL) is 26/27 September at Manfeild Park (Feilding) in conjunction with the Dressage Central Districts Premier League Event
Nominations will be live on
EvoEvents on Tuesday 23rd July close on Tuesday 13th August – there is no fee to nominate
Key Supporters of the event:
FEI Solidarity Department
If you are interested in supporting NZL riders continue their two decade record of success in this International Development competition please contact
2024 Livamol FEI Dressage World Challenge (NZL) Selection Procedure
WDC Selection Criteria 24v2
Selection criteria updated 29/8/24
Eligibility Requirements
To be eligible to be considered for selection, riders must meet the following eligibility requirements:
- The General Eligibility requirements set out in Article 10 of the ESNZ Special Regulation (National Selection)
- Must meet the criteria as set out in the current WDC conditions.
Performance Criteria
The Selectors may take into account the following factors:
- the competition performance record of the rider and the horse as a combination in regards to the Objective;
- the Horse’s age, temperament, soundness history, traveling ability, acclimatisation to a change of environment and whether the horse settles to being stabled;
- the Horses’ suitability for the WDC and the likely conditions of that event;
- the rider’s relationships with other riders in the team, as well as with ESNZ staff and other personnel who may be involved with the Event or team;
- the rider’s conduct and behaviour at previous events, tours and training;
- the results of any assessments, tests or examinations carried out with respect to the rider or horse, which may affect their ability to perform to their best;
- the willingness of the rider, the horses’ owner(s) and support team) to contribute positively to the Objective of this Selection Criteria;
- anything which they consider applicable to their decision, such as those set out in Article 14 of the ESNZ Special Regulation (National Selection).
Selection Criteria
The DNZ National Selectors will make their selections by:
- Reviewing past performances, placings and percentages at the level for which the combinations is nominated.
- Observing performances leading up to and at the WDC event, including the Trot Up. Consideration will be given to the level of competition, the depth of the field at which the result was obtained, consistency of performance, and an improving trend for results produced.
- Assessing relevant form and ability to perform at the venue and on the applicable date.
- Considering the condition and demeanor of the combinations at the Trot Up.
- Taking into account that Scores obtained for the Youth, Prix St Georges & Intermediate I have a greater multiplying coefficient. This impacts the Team overall results, and this influences the selection process (i.e.: Inter I/PSG = % x 1.20; Senior II/Senior I = % x 1.00; Youth = % x 1.10).
- The five performance levels and two age groups (12-16 yrs; 16 yrs and older) reviewed are:
- Intermediate I
- Prix St. Georges
- Senior II
- Senior I
- Youth
- The Selectors will make their selection on their overall information at the given time. It may not necessarily depend solely on the ranking of combinations according to scores achieved.
Published 26/06/2024
2024 Competitor Schedule & Nomination Procedure
Updated 5/8/24
Nominations will open on EvoEvents on Monday 23rd July and close on Tuesday 13th August
Selected combinations and reserves notified by Fri 23rd August
The FEI Dressage World Challenge Rules
The Tests
Quality Presentations Youth Competition
Children Team 2022
NZ Warmblood Association Senior I
Children Individual 2022
FMG Senior II
Juniors Team 2022
Syncroflex PSG
Prix St. Georges 2022
Livamol Int I
Intermediate I 2022
The Horse Inspection Sponsored by the Borrowed Collective
NZL-KIrsty Schist presents Epiton MD 2022. Copyright Photo: Libby Law Photography
FROM FEI Article 1035
Presentation of Horses (edited applicable to this competition)
PR – Person Responsible – usually the athlete
VD – Veterinary Delegate – Official FEI Vet appointed for the event
GJ – Ground Jury (Judges)
President GJ – Connie Bookless (FEI Foreign Judge)
1. Horses are presented for Horse Inspections by the Athlete or groom (the
“Handler”) who must be suitably dressed for handling Horses.
2. For all Dressage competitions , the PR must present their own Horse(s) at the Horse inspection, unless the PR has been excused from this requirement in advance by the President of the GJ.
3. Chefs d’Equipe (2023 Event is Christine Lovelady) when present, must accompany their team Horses
4. Horses’ competition number must be clearly displayed.
5. All Horses must be presented for the Horse Inspection in a controlled and safe manner. This requires a bridle.
7. n/a to Dressage
6. Handlers may carry a whip of up to 120cm only, if necessary.
8. No Horse may be presented with its identity concealed in any manner by application of paint or dye for example. This includes paint or dye on the hooves. Hoof preparations that do not conceal any markings on the hooves are permitted
9. Horses are not permitted to wear bandages or blankets/rugs or equivalent.
The Procedure
FEI Article 1036
Horse Inspection Procedure
1. Any conflict of interest must be declared to the President and members of the GJ
2. The VD or a designated assistant will identify the Horse from its FEI or ESNZ ID Book. other approved passports eg NZWBA or ESNZ ID Papers and microchip where applicable.
3. Handlers must stand the Horse in front of the Inspection Panel facing the end of the
inspection track. The VD must walk around the Horse and make a brief visual
inspection. Any other examinations (e.g. palpation or limb flexion) may not be
Handlers must lead the Horse from the Horse’s left hand side on a loose rein whilst the VD watches the Horse’s gait from the centre of the inspection track. Handlers must:
a) walk the Horse for a short distance;
b) trot the Horse to the end of the track;
c) walk the Horse and turn in a clockwise direction at the end of the inspection track;
d) trot the Horse back to the starting point.
4. The Inspection Panel will assess the Horses’ fitness to compete, and decide whether
Horses are:
a) accepted;
b) not accepted (if Horses are unfit to compete); or
referred to the Holding Box (Horse’s fitness to compete is questionable).
Horses that are not accepted at the Horse Inspection, or withdrawn following a Holding Box examination are not permitted to compete in national classes at the same Event site.
5. Note: The specific requirements and level of fitness required to pass Horse Inspections may vary between and within Disciplines.
6. The Inspection Panel’s decision must be based on the opinion of the VD and the
Inspection Panel has the authority to not accept a Horse. In the event of a split decision, the President of the GJ has the casting vote.
7. The GJ must explain the reason for not accepting Horses to the PRs.
8. The Inspection Panel may decide not to accept Horses that cannot be presented within the time period of the Horse Inspection.
9. No Appeal may be lodged against any decision made by the Inspection Panel.
The Fetterman Trophy
The Fetterman Trophy is awarded to the winner of the Prix St Georges by Andrea Raves & Helen Hughes-Keen as a tribute to the wonderful thoroughbred Fetterman who was so successful in the early 90’s in when competed by Andrea up to Grand Prix level in NZL and Australia. What a thrill it was in 2023 that Leominster part owned by Andrea and and competed and co-owned by Lynley Stockdale from Waimate in South Canterbury were the winners of the Fetterman Trophy.
2023- Lynley Stockdale (Leominster) with Andrea Raves
2022 – Susan Tomlin & Dance Hit SW
Diane Wallace and KP Dexter, 2020
2017 Vanessa Way (NRM Andreas)
2023 Results
Follow this link for all 2023 Zone & World Rankings
Zone 8 Individual Rankings 2023
Zone 8 Team Rankings
It’s a celebration for the Livamol NZL FEI Dressage World Challenge team with a resounding win in the Zone 8 Challenge on 241.941 pts against Hong Kong (237.673) South Africa (237.353) and Chinese Taipei (233.938). The NZL team was Gemma Lewis (Canterbury) Ruanuku R INT I, Vanessa Baxter Jazzaway (Nelson) INT I 65.441, Lynley Stockdale (South Canterbury) Leominster PSG 68.088 and Julie Fraser & Fandango (Nelson) PSG 66.324
It was a great Senior II Individual Zone win for Sandy Fryatt (Canterbury) and La Peregrina on 68.939 from a total 41 starters. Other Zone placegetters included a 2nd place for Paige Fitzgerald & Greenmoor Euphoria in the Youth division and 3rd places for Gemma Lewis (INT I) Lynley Stockdale & Leominster (PSG), Sandy Houston & Southwell Razzmatazz (Sen II)
2023 Event Images - Olivia Skidmore Photography
The Judges 2024
Kerrie Swan-Bates FEI L3/4* (AUS)
Kerrie is a Level 3/4* FEI Dressage and YH judge. She commenced her FEI career 8 years ago. Kerrie is an Australian ‘A’ level judge, a Judge Educator and National YH judge. She lives just out of Hobart Tasmania on a small rural property with her husband, horses, dogs, chickens and cat.
When time permits Kerrie is still actively riding and has a passion for the education of up-and-coming judges and the development of young riders.
Kristin Cottam – NZL List B – Southland
Kristin is currently a List B judge, but is one step away from becoming a NZ A judge, after just passing her theory exam and now working towards her practical exam.
She lives in Winton in the deep south with her husband Andrew, their two children, Hunter who is
currently in his third year at Lincoln University and Millie who is in Year 12 at Southland Girls High School.
Kristin is currently the Dressage Southland AJO, and has enjoyed being able to encourage several
new judges onto the Southland judges list as well as supporting existing Southland judges with their
upgrading requirements. She has previously enjoyed breeding a range of predominantly dressage
horses and has competed up to medium level but her time is now spent judging throughout NZ.
When not busy in the dressage world, Kristin works as a Area Sales Manager for Virbac – a pharmaceutical animal health company and also enjoys supporting Hunter and Millie in their individual pursuits combined with a shared love of travel overseas.
Results 2009 - 2023
The NZ Team for the Livamol FEI World Dressage Challenge: Susan Tomlin and Dance Hit SW; Lucy Cochrane and Gymanji; Paige Fitzgerald and Greenmoor Euphoria; Jody Hartstone and Just Vincent. Copyright Photo: Libby Law Photography
Check out NZL record of results since 2009
Spectators are welcome
There is plenty of free parking and there is no admission fee
There will be a coffee cart on site
Competition begins at 8am and will finish at approx 3.30pm with the fabulous prize giving celebrations
Accepted Combination List_2024 TBC
WDC Youth 12-16yrs
Senior I WDC
Senior II WDC
Prix St Georges
Livamol Intermediate I
Read the Event Programme
2024 to be uploaded when available
Click on the image to read the 2023 event programme which features the sponsors, riders, OC and event background.