Decision of the Judicial Committee of ESNZ – Dated 21th December 2022



Prohibited Substances found:            
Phenylbutazone and Oxyhpenbutazone

Composition of Judicial Committee:
Phillip Cornege (Chair)            –           Lawyer and former ESNZ Board Member
Tony Parsons                           –           ESNZ Veterinary General
Susan O’Brien                         –           ESNZ Steward General

A horse tested positive for anti-inflammatory drugs at an ESNZ Show Jumping competition. The Person Responsible has accepted the penalty of the ESNZ Judicial Committee as follows:

  • Disqualification of the person responsible and the horse from all competitions at the event. This is automatic.
  • The person responsible is suspended or two months (reduced from four) given the person responsible accepted an agreed outcome. The two-month suspension will take affect from 5 November 2022.
  • The person responsible is responsible for covering the cost of the analysis, the cost being $1500.
  • This decision is to be published on the ESNZ website.