We know it is short notice but the Dressage Performance & Development Committee are excited to announce they have secured a date at Taupo NEC and a fantastic line up of presenters and coaches to kick start the season. This camp is supported by both Pryde’s Easifeed and Dressage NZ
We have as a start point
Pryde’s Easifeed Equine Nutrition
Fresh from the World Champs: MELISSA GALLOWAY (Coach) and Gaylene Lennard, and ESNZ High Performance Manager JOCK PAGET
SUE HOBSON FEI 4* Judge – recently returned from an FEI Judges Seminar in Rotterdam,
DEBBIE BARKE (Performance Coach) and Grand Prix rider
LINDA BROWN (Biomechanics Coach)
NICOLE SWENEY (Musical Freestyle arranger)
The camp is targeted at 12 to 18 yr olds on horses and ponies, competing up to Medium level. Some places for unmounted attendees are also possible
Links below are the application form and the registration/payment form.
Save them both to your computer and have a good read of both (the reg form outlines the costs) . The first step is to complete the application form. When you have received notification of acceptance, then complete the registration form and payment. Contact details for any queries are on the forms