SI Team Entries Close on 21st Sept / NI Close 1st October. 

Evo Events will be the entry platform for team captains to enter their team and DNZ will check eligibility.  EvoEvents are working on final go live details, but in the meantime, as soon as you have your team organised you can email our Series Points Manager, Jos Gresham, on [email protected] with the names and ESNZ Rego numbers of your riders and horses/ponies by the closing dates. No entries can be accepted after the first qualifying Kiwi Arena Rakes Premier League event in your island. 

Follow the link for the full rules and get nominating

Land Rover Dressage Team Challenge

For Dressage & Para Equestrian Athletes: Fun but Serious!   A competition where riders have the chance to get their own teams together. Team Competitions in each island plus a grand national final


  • To create a supportive, inclusive team spirit and culture combined with friendly rivalry amongst athletes in a traditionally individually focused sport
  • To encourage the participation of and give confidence to less experienced members to transition from Training & Local Events to Regional & National events where applicable – (Autumn / winter events to Spring / summer events)
  • The allowance to use horse/pony flexi starts is encouraging to cross discipline participation without the need for annual starts