Kia ora all members,
We know that last week as we announced changes to our fee structure for the coming season that we have had several responses which fall under four main themes. We would like to cover these off and provide further feedback.
- Payment options:
The database was launched in November 2021, and since that time we have processed 99% of transactions through the credit card system. At the time of launch it was decided that the only payment method we would use would be credit/debit card – our database provider have numerous sport and equestrian clients from all over the world and all are using credit/debit cards for collecting payments.
As part of the ongoing development of the system we are working at the possibility of implementing other payment options like PoliPay. However, this feature would only be available for use in New Zealand and Australia, and will require additional development and investment outside of the current scope of the project. While this piece of work remains on our IT roadmap for the future, our focus right now is launching the results.
There were also several questions about the 5% processing fee. This was part of the launch of the database, and we started communicating this by email, social media and our website in July 2021.
The new database charges a 5% transaction fee. This is made up of the following:
- 5% – Interpodia transaction fee, this includes payment processor fee, with the remainder of the fee going to Interpodia to cover the use of their system.
- 5% – will come back to ESNZ for ongoing maintenance and development of the ESNZ database.
- Database and results:
While the database was launched in November, we have been frustrated by the time it has taken to get the results and results history to go live. The amount of work required to bring together over 20 years of historical data from various databases was underestimated. We now have the system at a point where the data is as accurate as it can be, and we are now loading the last season of data. We anticipate this will be completed by the 30 June 2022 and the full results system operating the first week of July 2022.
We know for most members the new database has been a smooth process and for some others we have had a few obstacles to overcome. We do however feel that it is doing what we asked of it. As with all technical platforms there will be the odd glitch that we need to fix, please get in touch with us and we can help.
- General fee increase:
This fee increase is the first in over three years and while we would rather have none the current state of the economy meant we had to change our fee structure to meet the increased costs we face as an organisation both now and into the future. We are focused on working for our members to provide quality facilities and events with top class officials to ensure you have a great day out competing in a safe environment. All of this has costs associated to it.
- Funding of HP Program.
As you know we did get a funding cut from HPSNZ last year for our HP Eventing program. ESNZ does not use member funds to support this investment. Our locally collected membership fees are used to develop and promote the disciplines locally.
If you have any further questions, please don’t hesitate to email us at [email protected].