Covid-19 risk mitigation document for Area Groups/OCs
Thank you all for your input to the two Hui we held last week.
In response to that and other changes we have completed the following.
- Updated our Covid Protection Framework. Now on our website –
- Sent a letter to all members with the outcomes from the Hui –
- With the assistance of the team at Taranaki Show Jumping providing you with an example of a risk mitigation document. Huge thanks to Tanya for her work and agreeing to share. This is an example specific to the Taranaki event. While some of the mitigation strategies may be the same it needs to be specific to your event/gathering –
With regards to the Risk mitigation doc:
- On page 1 of Appendix 2. The letters in the grid stand for the following. E = Extreme, H = High, M= Medium and L= Low
- The initial Risk score is based on looking at the activity and placing it in the risk matrix grid. Then provide preventative measures and retest to get your residual Risk Score.
- To continue you want to ensure you are mitigating risks to levels of Low wherever possible. When you can’t do this you need to ensure your plan reduces the risk as much as possible and then determine whether you are still happy to continue.
- Please ensure you have a risk mitigation strategy for any officials that will be travelling interisland. In particular the risk around them needing to self-isolate should they become a “close contact” at your gathering.