Congratulations to Jan Sutherland (from Take the Moment photography), ESNZ’s January 2022 Volunteer of the Month!
Pen Bullock nominated Jan saying, “I know Jan is probably not your ‘typical’ volunteer, but the amazing photos Jan takes at events are only a small part of what this special person does for the sport”.
Jan turns up when the Taupō Horse Trials are being set up to flag, dress and paint.
“She knows the ropes and people so well you’d think she was on the official team,” said Pen. “Not only does Jan sponsor classes herself, she organises sponsorship.”
Jan billets officials and steps in at the last minute to write for dressage.
“Jan is invaluable with her eyes and knowledge on the cross-country tracks. Come show jumping, she never leaves a pole on the ground, always dashing between jumps to make sure things run smoothly. Pack up time she is never far away either.”
As well as all this, Pen describes Jan as “a very genuine, caring person who always has horse welfare at heart. The sport is better off for having Jan at events in her many capacities!”
Jan, you, along with all our volunteers, are what makes our sport thrive and for that we are truly grateful. Thank you! And thank you to Pen Bullock for nominating Jan.
ESNZ Volunteer of the Month receives a gift in recognition of their contribution; Jan’s is on its way to her.
You can nominate your ESNZ Volunteer of the Month by emailing us at [email protected] with Volunteer of the Month in the subject line.
Please provide this information along with a photo of your nominee:
Who are you nominating?
From what discipline?
From what area?
Why are you nominating them?
Your name
Your contact phone number and email