We have now received further update and advice from Sport NZ with regards to the implications of the Covid Protection Framework (CPF) on the Sport and Recreation sector. ESNZ and NZPCA have been working together to create guidance for committees and members, as we know everyone is keen to understand how this system will work for us. To view the Sport NZ guidance CLICK HERE

Whilst there will be restrictions imposed on some of our activities, the CPF does offer relaxed gathering limits for vaccinated persons and some options for smaller gatherings that will not require a My Vaccine Pass.

For My Vaccine Pass gathering/events the requirement to provide a Vaccine Pass in whatever form the organiser determines applies to all persons attending the venue. Under the CPF anyone over 12 years and 3 months old unable to produce a My Vaccine Pass is not able to attend a My Vaccine Pass gathering/event.

The limits ‘at a glance’ are




EVENTS WITH My Vaccine Pass

EVENTS WITH NO My Vaccine Pass
















We can now confirm the definitions of Gatherings v Events. They are as follows.

What is a gathering?

A gathering is people who are intermingling in a group but excludes people who remain at least 2 metres away from each other, so far as reasonably practicable. It includes gatherings to undertake voluntary or not-for-profit sporting, recreational, social or cultural activities

What is an event?

An event is an activity organised by a business or service that is held at commercial premises or private premises, publicly owned premises for the purpose of the activity, or an outdoor area where a group of customers and clients is accompanied or supervised by a worker providing services to that group (for example, a guided tour). Entry is controlled through ticketing, fees, registration or by any other means. It excludes any activities at a private home.

Under these definitions we see our sport fitting into the Gatherings definition, and we are therefore recommending that the guidelines used are in relation to the gatherings.  We realise there may be one or two cases where we are running “Events” and we will provide clarity and support to the committees or groups running these events.

We can therefore confirm the following:

  • There can be multiple Gatherings at one venue, however each Gathering needs to take place in a defined space with distance maintained between groups. Spectators at an outdoor gathering can be treated as a separate gathering and the same limits apply to them
  • You can cross regional boundaries and move from red to orange for example.  You should abide by the relevant settings for the area you visit; you no longer take your home settings with you. If you’re sick, you should stay at home.
  • My Vaccine Passes  can be asked for as a condition of entry and provided prior to the event, however once the organising committee have sighted the document, a copy MUST NOT be kept on file. You may note that it has been provided and its expiry date only.
  • For activities that are run under My Vaccine Pass conditions, Vaccine Passes should be checked wherever ‘practically possible’. This means Vaccine Passes can be checked at the gate or within the venue at the discretion of the event organiser.
  • Clear signage should be displayed advising of the gathering’s status.
  • A negative covid test cannot be used as a replacement for a My Vaccine Pass.
  • These new guidelines apply to everyone attending an event/gathering i.e competitors, officials, volunteers, spectators, sponsors and supporters.

At a principle level, we support and encourage vaccination across the equestrian community as a means to make our people and events safer from covid. We also wish to be as accommodating to our members as we are able to be under the Covid Protection Framework.  Realising that situations and activities are wide and varied across the country we encourage all organising committees to consider the activity being planned to assess how best to run it for your members, competitors, officials and volunteers safely and within the guidelines.

If you are looking to run an activity without My Vaccine Passes and would like any advice or guidance on how best to run within the conditions required under the framework, please feel free to contact us for help and support.

Please also see the Sport NZ guidance around running gatherings and events in each of the traffic light settings.


snz-cpf-red-guidance-at-a-glance-5_10.pdf (sportnz.org.nz)


snz-cpf-orange-guidance-at-a-glance-5_10.pdf (sportnz.org.nz)


snz-cpf-green-guidance-at-a-glance-5_10.pdf (sportnz.org.nz)

Here is a table that shows how each of the levels works for all gatherings under the CPF. At all levels – record keeping/scanning is required and mask wearing is encouraged when not participating.













Practice days

Where vaccine passes are checked 

If you check vaccine passes at a gathering, then the capacity limit is determined by the size of the facility (based on the facility being large enough to allow 1m2 of space per person). You can have a maximum of 100 people. For example, if your facility is 90m2 you can have 90 people.

The capacity limits include children under 12. Children under the age of 12 who cannot be vaccinated are treated as if they have a vaccine pass.

The capacity limit excludes workers.

Multiple gatherings can still be hosted at one venue however each gathering needs to take place in a defined space. Outdoors this means that each gathering should remain at least 2 metres apart at all times. Indoors gatherings must be separated by walls and cannot share direct airflow.

Where no vaccine passes checked

 If vaccine passes are not checked, or not everyone you are with is vaccinated, then the capacity limit is determined by the size of the facility. You can have a maximum of 25 people allowing for 1m2 of space per person. For example, if your space is 20m2 you can have 20 people.

This capacity limit includes children. Children under the age of 12 who cannot be vaccinated are treated as if they have a vaccine pass.

This capacity limit excludes workers.

Multiple gatherings can still be hosted at one venue however each gathering needs to take place in a defined space. Outdoors this means that each gathering should remain at least 2 metres apart at all times. Indoors gatherings must be separated by walls and cannot share direct airflow.










Practice days

Where vaccine passes are checked

If you use vaccine passes there are no limits on the number of people that can attend.

Checking of vaccine passes is required as best as reasonably practicable in all settings.


Where no vaccine passes checked

 If vaccine passes are not checked, or not everyone you are with is vaccinated, then the capacity limit is determined by the size of the facility. You can have a maximum of 50 people allowing for 1m2 of space per person. For example, if your space is 40m2 you can have 40 people.

This capacity limit includes children. Children under the age of 12 who cannot be vaccinated are treated as if they have a vaccine pass.

This capacity limit excludes workers.

Multiple gatherings can still be hosted at one venue however each gathering needs to take place in a defined space. Outdoors this means that each gathering should remain at least 2 metres apart at all times. Indoors gatherings must be separated by walls and cannot share direct airflow.









Practice days


Where vaccine passes are checked

If vaccine passes are checked, then there are no limits to how many people can attend.

Checking of vaccine passes is required as best as reasonably practicable in all settings.


Where no vaccine passes checked

 If vaccine passes are not checked, or not everyone you are with is vaccinated, then the capacity limit is determined by the size of the facility. You can have a maximum of 100 people allowing for 1m2 of space per person. For example if your space is 50m2, you can have 50 people.

This capacity limit includes children. Children under the age of 12 who cannot be vaccinated are treated as if they have a vaccine pass.

This capacity limit excludes workers.

Multiple gatherings can still be hosted at one venue however each gathering needs to take place in a defined space. Outdoors this means that each gathering should remain at least 2 metres apart at all times. Indoors gatherings must be separated by walls and cannot share direct airflow.


Again, we thank you all for your patience through this challenging transition, and we hope that by working within the framework provided we will ensure we play our part in keeping our community as safe as possible.

02 December 2021