Jumping and the Northland Area are thrilled to announce the Northland Area recipient of the ESNZ and NZPH Star Spotters Scholarship, Ella Martin.
Ella is 14 years old from Matarau, Kamo and attends Kamo High School. Ella has been riding for 2 1/2 years, she attends Whakapara Pony Club where she earnt her D+ certificate and is working towards her C certificate . Ella rides Missy, 14.1hh 16 year old mare. Unfortunately Missy is currently injured but Ella has been given the opportunity to borrow a Hack named Buck. Ella and Buck have been together for 5 months (Kondor of Renton) who is 15.2hh and is a Schoolmaster.
Ella has competed at multiple local ribbon days, one day events, jumping and show hunter shows. Ella and Buck aim this season is to compete in multiple ESNZ Jumping events and slowly step up the heights, and maybe even travel out of the area to compete. Ella can also be found volunteering her time in-between riding at events and helping younger riders walk courses, warming up or keeping everyone smiling.
Ella will be mentored by well-known Northland Equestrian, Trish MacPherson and supported by the Northland Committee.
Both Ella, her parents Michelle and Steve, and the Northland Area wish to express their thanks to NZPH and ESNZ and are extremely grateful for this fantastic opportunity.
ESNZ Jumping Team
3 September 2021