Jumping and the Marlborough Area are thrilled to announce the Marlborough Area recipient of the ESNZ and NZPH Star Spotters Scholarship, Quinn Wickham.
Quinn is 10 year old and attends Rapaura School. Quinn has been riding for 5 years and been with her pony Lily for 9 months, Lily is a NZ Riding Pony, standing at 132.5cm. Quinn has been attending the Blenheim Pony Club for 2 years, where she has earnt her D certificate and is working towards her C certificate. Quinn has competed at multiple ribbons days, pony club shows and some of the Nelson Show Hunter Shows last season.
Quinn’s goals for this season are to do “as much Show Jumping and Show Hunter as possible”, attend all her Pony Club rallies, earn her C certificate and do a cross country course with Lily.
Quinn will be mentored by Meg Bisset and supported by the Marlborough Committee.
Both Quinn, her parents and the Marlborough Area wish to express their thanks to NZPH and ESNZ and are extremely grateful for this fantastic opportunity.
ESNZ Jumping Team
10 September 2021