With the AGM to be held on 25th June, candidate’s resumes for the position of National Judges Officer (Board Member) and Committee Representative on the Appointment Panel are now available
Judith Cunningham & Linda Warren-Davey have been nominated for Judges Officer and Debra Cowen & Renai Hart for Committee Representative on the Appointment Panel
For the full details of these nominations follow the Conference Agenda_Elections
The procedure is that a vote (confidential ballot) will be held by Voting Delegates (Board & Committee) at Conference. Members are invited to input into this process via their area dressage group delegates
The Judges sub-c0mmittee is by appointment and any vacancy will be determined after the election of the Judges Officer. The current JSC is Judith Cunningham, and Mura Love plus co-opted members Michelle Paterson & Lesley Jacobson