Expressions of Interest – National Safety Officer and Steward Liaison
The ESNZ Eventing Technical Advisory Group (TAG) terms of reference require two positions to become vacant, by rotation, each year and as such ESNZ Eventing is seeking expressions of interest in the positions of;
- Steward Liaison
- National Safety Officer (NSO)
Steward Liaison, Susan Geddes, has completed two terms on TAG so is not seeking reappointment.
National Safety Officer, Hamish Butler-Gallie, is eligible for reappointment.
The appointed individuals will be valued members of the Technical Advisory Group that manages the development of eventing officials, implements safety and risk management initiatives, delivers the officials education programme through seminars and training/mentoring, maintains the national sport rules and provides advice and support to the Eventing Board and Sport Manager on a wide range of technical aspects.
This group meets 3-4 times per year either in person or via zoom conference and between meetings there is regular email communication.
If you are interested in either of these voluntary positions please complete the application form (below) and return by email, to the Sport Manager, Eliza Johns [email protected] by Friday 21 May 2021.
Further details are available within the terms of reference document linked below.