The ESNZ Endurance Board has appointed Ron Guest as an additional Board member. The By-Laws allows for a maximum of 7 elected members and can appoint up to a further 2 members as required. Since the last AGM there have only been 6 elected members and at times, we have struggled to achieve a quorum for meetings or have much discussion by email between meetings. Ron has been proactive in communicating with the Board this season and offered to contribute to the Board. This was discussed and approved by a majority decision. Therefore, Ron Guest has been appointed as an additional member up till the next AGM at which point he can decide to stand for election or not. Ron has a long history in Endurance in NZ and internationally and he is well-qualified to contribute to the activities of the Board. He wants to see ESNZ Endurance succeed and FEI Endurance competitions continue in NZ. We thank Ron for his willingness to contribute to the Board.
With the AGM coming up, and the requirement that three Board members resign (though they are able to stand for re-election) we recommend that members consider what they can offer to the governance of our sport or if there are others that they would like to nominate for the Board. It would be great to have an election this year.
Relevant Sections of the By-Laws:
9.1 Composition of Board.
The Board shall comprise Board members as follows:
(a) A maximum of Seven (7) elected financial members of EnNZ elected
under by-law 10; and
(b) Two (2) members of EnNZ appointed under bylaw 12.1
12.1 Board Appointments
(a) The Board may appoint up to two members using any procedure they
decide on.
(b) When the Board makes an appointment the Board must inform the
members of the procedure used to make that appointment.
(c) In appointing Board members under these provisions the Board shall use
its best endeavours to appoint persons who have specific and relevant
skills, qualifications and experience that is likely to add value and benefit
to the activities and decisions of the elected board members and the