The results of the Rules Survey can be found here
The survey was completed by 140 Stakeholders. Thank you to those who took the time to give your view and thank you to those who offered to be part of a review group
The Dressage Board will consider the results in more detail.
In brief results, suggest that we can do better re fomatting and making rules easier to understand. Permitted gear rules are always ongoing with new and innovative products continually being released.NZL tries to align with FEI rules where practical and appropriate for national competitions
Bitless bridles get some support in the survey comments. The downgrading rule created diverse views with some respondents considering no stand down should be required for any event, others consider the current rule is too restrictive and lacks clarity, and others consider the rules should be tightened. Amateur rules are open for discussion as is riders to have own discretion not to wear jackets in extreme temperatures. The current rule distinguishes between Training Events & Local Events (rider has the discretion to wear a jacket at all times) and Regional & National Events when the OC has the mandate to make the decision re jackets in extreme heat (Art 479).
With the Dressage NZ planning forum fast approaching, we want to ensure that all of our members are aware of the procedures around submitting remits.
We have made this easy to follow diagram, and we will be holding a zoom meeting next Wednesday 10th February to answer any questions around submitting remits.
Follow the link to register your interest in attending this meeting to find out more information.
Remits to add/amend/delete rules are now being accepted for the 17 April Zoom Planning Meeting can be made on the form below by 5th March 2021
Your Guide to Remits 2021 Submit a Remit