FEI Dressage Tests update
Please note that the definition of Collective mark in the Dressage Tests has been updated in accordance with the 2021 FEI Dressage rules (Art 432.4) and now reads:
Collective mark:
- General Impression (harmonious presentation of the rider/horse combination; rider’s position and seat, discreet and effective influence of the aids)
The Dressage test sheets have been updated on Inside.FEI.org.
There is no change to the test patterns
The 2021 version of the Int AB Freestyle will be adopted for national competitions in NZL from 1 August 2021 (Time limit increased to 6min)
Also the “Directives for Dressage Judges – Freestyle Tests” and the “Directives for Marking of Omissions and Incorrect Execution in Freestyle Tests” have been updated in accordance with the 2021 FEI Dressage rules (removal of references to “hat”). These documents can be found here.