Voting will open for the election of your ESNZ President for 2020-2021 on Friday 4th September 2020.
This year’s election is being carried out independently by Election Services. Election Services have a proven track record of successfully and independently undertaking elections for Local Government, Energy Trusts, large corporate entities and iwi, since 1994.
On Friday 4th September 2020, those members who are eligible to vote will receive an email from Election Services with login in details and information of how to cast your vote. A reminder that the following (current) membership categories are eligible to vote:
- Honorary Life Members aged 18 or over
- Life Members aged 18 or over
- Full members aged 18 or over
- Full members – non-competing aged 18 and over (previously called non-competing member)
- Affiliated organisations and member organisations subject to whether voting rights are conferred or not in the agreement between the organisation and ESNZ
Members who are eligible to vote, who do not have an email address will be sent a ballot paper and information on how they can return their vote. These will be posted out by Election Services on Friday 4th September.
- Check to make sure that the email hasn’t gone to your junk email.
- Check your deleted items to make sure you didn’t delete the email by mistake.
- Check that your membership is current.
- Check that ESNZ has got the correct email address for you, as we would have supplied Election Services with the email that was on file.
- Contact Election Services on 0800 922 822 or by emailing [email protected] to receive a voting email. Any overseas members can phone +64 9 973 5212.
ESNZ has received two nominations for the position of ESNZ President for the 2020-2021 season.
Nominations for President have been received for:
- Vicki Glynn (nominated by Chris Hodson, seconded by Sue Reid)
- Sue Hobson (nominated by Richard Sunderland, seconded by Scott McKenna)
Each candidate has prepared a brief statement about themselves, it is important that you read these before casting your vote.
Vicki Glynn Election Campaign Facebook Page
Sue Hobson Election Campaign Facebook Page
The role of the President & Vice-Present
The election will close (both online and for receipt of ballot papers) at 5pm on Monday 28th September 2020.
The result will be announced by Election Services at the ESNZ Annual General Assembly on Tuesday 29th September 2020 in Wellington.
For information, only one nomination was received for the position of ESNZ Vice-President for 2020-2021 by Lynda Clark (nominated by Sue Billingheimer, seconded by Don Robertson). The appointment of Vice-President will be made by voting delegates at the ESNZ AGA.
For further information on the ESNZ AGA click here