This week is the last week to attend a jumping technical seminar. We have been getting great feedback from the seminars and everyone has enjoyed them! If you haven’t done a seminar yet please sign up for one on the links below.
You will receive the link and all the papers for your seminar a day or two prior to your seminar.
There will be three sessions each day at: 9am-11.30am, 2pm-4.30pm, and 6.30pm-9pm
The available dates and time options are as follows:
- August 29th: 9am-11.30am
- August 30th: 9am-11.30am or 6.30pm-9pm
Please register here
There will be one day session at: 12.30pm-2pm
The date is as follows:
- August 30th
Please register here
Course Designers
There will be three sessions for all levels of Course Designers
The available dates and time options are as follows:
- Wednesday 26th August from 7pm-8.30pm
- Thursday 27th August from 7pm-8.30pm
- Friday 28th August from 7pm-8.30pm
Please register here
ESNZ Jumping Team
24 August 2020