So if I want year round structured training, how should I structure training around my events?
How do I ensure my pre-season training gets me ready for event season on time?
Show jumping is a comprehensive sport requiring multi-dimensional levels of physical and mental capability. To train to perform, it’s necessary to achieve year round structured training, building volume and intensity without overtraining and under-recovery. No small task!
Whilst self-management is popular, in reality, it proves difficult to monitor your own adaptations to the imposed stress. To continue to see improvements, it’s important to navigate the response to training stress and then the necessary recovery.
That’s where a training outline built using the principles of periodization becomes invaluable.
This plan is built on your metrics, with a firm eye on your performance dates. It involves breaking up the year into measurable manageable phases also known as mesocycles. Each phase targets a specific or series of attributes to be developed within a designated period of time. Appropriate periods of overload and recovery are designated for each phase.
The first shows the popular training pattern of self-management where levels of intensity, volume and stress all track up. Notice the during the competition phase how volume and training go up at the same time stress from the event and lifestyle go up. This is less ideal.
The second shows the preferred training cycle. Training volume and intensity have started earlier whilst stress is low. Then during the competition phase the blue line indicating intensity has gone down as has the white line indicating volume. During the competition phase as stress goes up, better performance in the competition can be expected as training volume and intensity decrease.
Most competitors simply don’t know how to structure their training preparation and become engaged in a variety of activities and workshops they call “training”. Without a periodized plan, appropriate training adaptations at each phase rely more on a process of trial and error between each passing year. The result is less improvement for the time and resources given. Without a plan, competitors risk beginning their training too late and find themselves playing catch up for the entire competition season. This inevitably raises the stress levels and lowers the performance outcomes for the competition season.
One thing you can do right now is engage in formerly designing a periodized plan. It’s the right time of year to get this done. If you need help and assistance with your plan or wish to discuss the idea, please do contact our team of qualified sports therapist for a free 30 minute chat. We’d love to see you experience the difference a periodized plan can make this coming season.
In the meantime, to provide your body with some recovery from extra time on computers and inside, use this ERB Balance Stretch to maintain the balance and symmetry in your body.
Happy Training
From the desk of EVENT READY BODIES
For more information contact us [email protected] or 06 3561494
ESNZ Jumping Team
2 June 2020